How do you wear Patina eyeshadow with blue eyes.


Well-known member
After a recommendation here I got Patina and use it now as a crease colour, with Shroom as a wash on the entire lid. I've got blue eyes, too, and I feel it's a very polished and subtle look that enhanced the blue.
But I also already tried Patina all over lid and smudged into the lower lashline for a smoky look which isn't too dark (I even wore it to the office, it looked quite nice).
So I think it depends a little on what kind of look you'd like to achieve!


Well-known member
I love patina! I have hazel eyes, but I'm sure these looks would also work with blue eyes:

- patina on the lid and richground to line
- patina on the lid, trax in the crease and macroviolet to line

I also like these combos:

- patina in the inner corner, sumptous olive outercorner blended into the crease and motif in the middle. for this look I use club to line
- patina on lid, mulch in outer and inner corner blended into the crease