How does a CP work?


Well-known member
What is the proper etiquette for a CP? Does the person asking for the CP tell the person doing the CP what they want? Do they pay ahead of time? Is it usually just for one item? What happens if the store is out of that item? Can you invoice someone with PayPal for the items?

Sorry for so many questions but I am thinking about doing one for someone and I want to get all my facts straight! TIA~!


Well-known member
I've done a few CPs and had the favour returned a couple of times now and it's great.
Hopefully the following, based on my experience will help you.

If someone offers you a CP, you can either politely decline or take them up on the offer. If you take them up on the offer you would reply and let them know what items you are looking for (can be one or multiples), they might say they can get them all or some.

Then the buyer would pay the CP'er ahead of time, so they have enough money for your goods. The CP'er would then get the items and post them to the buyer.

If the store is out of them item you could contact your buyer and let them know, they could either choose to wait for the item to come back in stock or you could refund for that particular item.

Yes you can invoice people through Paypal. Click on the 'request money' link then the 'create an invoice' subtab, fill in the invoice and send.


Well-known member
I usually have a lot of the collections CPed for me because I sporadically get to my counter, and if some is by a PRO store, I sometimes get it a day or two earlier.

There are some members here who are willing to do CPs and just make a post in the Clearance Bin about it. I then send them a PM, telling them what I would like, and ask for a quote because of sales tax differences (mine in 8.75% and the lovely lady who is CPing Cool Heat for me has a sales tax of 5%) and what the CPer will charge for shipping. Generally, one shouldn't try to haggle on this just because is a kind gesture.

Once the order and amount is finalized, an invoice through paypal is sent and paid. And then when the amount clears, items are bought and sent out.

NatalieMT did a fabulous job of explaining it!