How does love feel like for you?


Well-known member
Guys & dolls.. I know, this is a hard one.. To make a long story short: After breakin up with my ex-boyfriend in the beginning of 2010 (who did me horribly dirty) and goin through a lot of pain I finally recovered and even enjoyed it bein just by myself.
Now this guy (I've known since elementary school) that I can truly call my soulmate and closest friend started becoming even closer than ever before.. and started dating like two weeks ago. I know we both were thinkin about it for a while.. he has truly everything I would ever want in a man. I feel secure, loved, just extremly content and satisfied when I'm with him.
It may sound dumb.. but is this how true love should feel like? I always had the (maybe a little immature) thought that love is NOT logical, you just fall in love without thinkin about anything else.. that's how it happened with my ex.. I was 18, he had this 'bad boy attitude' and I had the biggest crush on him. I was so hyped up and thought.. ok this is love at first sight and THIS IS IT.. this is what love should feel like. Now I know, I was young and only impressed by his attitude and looks..I realized very late that we didn't have much in common, b/c we lived in a long-distance relationship.. and didn't spend too much time together.

I just wanted to know how love feels like for you?
Is it that falling fast feeling and bein out of control or is it more of this calm, quiet, satisfied feeling?


Well-known member
It's not an easy question to answer, and it varies greatly based on the individual. Also, passion and love sometimes become hard to decipher from each other. Passion tends to fade faster than love though.

To me, love is more subdued. Love is being able to look my significant other in the eye and see a positive future with them, and eagerly wanting to be a part of that future. It's being able to argue and be angry with each other, and still seeing everything you ever wanted in them even during those moments of anger. It's wanting to put effort into the relationship, being with someone who is like your best friend, and wanting to make them happy, even if sometimes it is at your own expense, but it shouldn't feel forced. Summing up how I feel, it's a "in my nothing, you are everything" feeling. Meaning that if you took away everything, I would still be content with life because that person was in it.

These are only certain aspects of love. Love is hard to measure, even scientifically, because it encompasses so many feelings. If it feels like love, I wouldn't question it too much. I wish you the best in your new relationship!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by obscuria
To me, love is more subdued. Love is being able to look my significant other in the eye and see a positive future with them, and eagerly wanting to be a part of that future. It's being able to argue and be angry with each other, and still seeing everything you ever wanted in them even during those moments of anger. It's wanting to put effort into the relationship, being with someone who is like your best friend, and wanting to make them happy, even if sometimes it is at your own expense, but it shouldn't feel forced. Summing up how I feel, it's a "in my nothing, you are everything" feeling. Meaning that if you took away everything, I would still be content with life because that person was in it.

Beautifully said. Agree 100%!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by obscuria
To me, love is more subdued. Love is being able to look my significant other in the eye and see a positive future with them, and eagerly wanting to be a part of that future. It's being able to argue and be angry with each other, and still seeing everything you ever wanted in them even during those moments of anger. It's wanting to put effort into the relationship, being with someone who is like your best friend, and wanting to make them happy, even if sometimes it is at your own expense, but it shouldn't feel forced. Summing up how I feel, it's a "in my nothing, you are everything" feeling. Meaning that if you took away everything, I would still be content with life because that person was in it.

I sat here trying to write something as beautiful as this but I could not have said it any better myself. This actually made me a lil teary eyed thinking of my husband.
: heart:


Well-known member
Originally Posted by obscuria
To me, love is more subdued. Love is being able to look my significant other in the eye and see a positive future with them, and eagerly wanting to be a part of that future. It's being able to argue and be angry with each other, and still seeing everything you ever wanted in them even during those moments of anger. It's wanting to put effort into the relationship, being with someone who is like your best friend, and wanting to make them happy, even if sometimes it is at your own expense, but it shouldn't feel forced. Summing up how I feel, it's a "in my nothing, you are everything" feeling. Meaning that if you took away everything, I would still be content with life because that person was in it.

Well said, doll!