How is 2008 holiday eye brushes set?


Well-known member
I am very interested in your opinion on the quality of this year's MAC eye brush set. Would you please share your thoughts on if they are any good? Thanks!


Well-known member
There is an entire thread about this in the "ask and anwered makeup questions" section, but here is what I wrote..

I'm so happy to see this thread, I was actually going to start one..

So, here's my story.

First, I've never returned anything to MAC. I've, for the most part loved every purchase I've made..

Until yesterday.

I purchased three "adoring carmine" basic brush sets (50.00 each!), I was planning on giving two as gifts and keeping one for myself for traveling.

I tried them last night (we went to Knots Scary Farm!) and the brushes were C.R.A.P....

I went to MAC today and spoke to a fab gal in Mission Valley, she explained that they are not the same brushes. That the holidays sets (as explained above) are machine made and cut and the hairs are synthetic.

Boooo...(lol, no pun intended!)

I was short on time and didnt have my "wish-list" so I'll be returning them tomorrow.

I heart MAC, and make-up is my passion, but I highly reccommend that you save your money for the full size ones. I'll just keeping using my CVS brushes (those are fan-freaking-tastic) and were under 10.00!!

Kiss and Makeup

Well-known member
I have the face brushes and I like them. I haven't had any problems with them, except the cheek contour brush isn't as pretty as when I first bought it. It still works, though, and it's still really soft. I bought these to try MAC brushes, since I'm big on Sephora brushes, and I like the foundation brush more than my Sephora one. The concealer brush is great, too. I plan to eventually replace all of them with the full-sized brushes, but they work for now.


Well-known member
I really like them, I bought all 3 sets and the only one that really stands out as bad is the 266. I have no regrets about buying them.


Well-known member
I bought the sets back in 2006 or 2005 (don't remember) but I don't regret the purchase. While I have bought many of the full-size ones over the past two years, they're handy for travel.


Well-known member
I bought the face brush set and I really like them and I like the in the size since I'm travelling at least once a month. The full-size ones are overpriced here and I'm not willing to pay almost $70 (after currency conversion) for a 187.


Well-known member
Like many have already said, save your money and get the full sized ones. The sets this year are really crappy and are nothing close to the full-sized ones IMO. You're better off using that money to buy some good brushes at like Target or something.