how long does it take you..


Well-known member
to get ready for work in the AM? i'm currently working in a cosmetics department & i find it really tough to find time to do full-face every single morning. (add in the time it takes to have decent looking hair & i'm hooped!) i'm borderline anemic (realllyyy low iron. i always feel fatigued), so it's hard for me to get out of bed & motivated in the mornings. my daily face is: primer, foundation, benefit ooh la lift & undereye bright, blush or bronzer, MSF, mascara & lip colour. that's IT. i know my customers look at me sideways because i'm not full-face & assume i don't know anything about eye makeup since i'm never wearing it. ugh. it's frustrating because i know i have the knowledge & the techniques down, i just wish i had the time to show it! does anyone else have this problem or are you ladies all machines?! if so, how do you do it!!!?


Well-known member
45 minutes including shower, doing my hair and getting dressed. That's a full face including custom mixing my concealer and filling in my brows. Add maybe five minutes if I'm wearing lashes that day.

If I could find a way to pre-mix my concealer and store it without going funky, that's a few minutes I could shave off that time.


Well-known member
I just realized, that i didn't answer. Including shower, hair and everything - it's about 30 - 35 mins.


Well-known member
I just make sure Im up WELL in time, you are representing an imagine by being on counter so if that means you have to get up an HOUR earlier then Id do it and go to bed earlier on an evening... Is there anything you can take or do for your anemia that would make you brighter in the morning? maybe even focus on the fact that you will look a million dollars once your all ready!


Well-known member
I'm a slow poke I guess. I like to have at least 1 hour and 15 minutes to shower, eat and do my makeup and hair.


Well-known member
takes me about 20 minutes tops- but i shower at night and have really short hair (as in, all i have to do is splash some water in it and throw in a little pomade). i'm anemic too, and the iron supplements prescribed by my doctor made me sick- but a co-worker is also anemic, and she takes two children's vitamins (the kind with extra iron) at night and in the morning- since i've started that, i've felt a lot better, and my nails aren't blue! maybe that would help some?


Well-known member
i have to have to at least have an hour & half! so lame i know! but that is to shower, eat, play with my kitties, chat with the hubby & do my make-up ... i always do a full face and i try to mix up the eyeshadow combos but keep it simple. i've always noticed that the less i wear the more i get people to trust me. most people don't want crazy, colorful, & bold, and when they see that, i feel & find they become more on edge. alot of times though i am lazy and only give myself an hour, haha, no wonder i am always rushing to work! not to mention late


Well-known member
About an hour, but that's eating, lounging a bit, showering, playing with cats, doing hair and makeups. Maybe try a wash of a little golden shadow to wake you up and some brown eyeliner slightly smudged, to give a smoldering slightly sexy but way easy look for the eyes?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Bernadette
I'm a slow poke I guess. I like to have at least 1 hour and 15 minutes to shower, eat and do my makeup and hair.

Me too. LOL

And then I end up changing something and have to change my look. LMAO!


Well-known member
I used to give myself two hours. It usually took a bunch of time to play with my puppy, 15 mins to shower, 15 mins to a half hr to find clothes & get dressed & 1/2 hr to 45 mins for makeup but that was only because I'd mess around with techniques on a daily basis. My last month at MAC, when I got really apathetic about my job, I had my entire morning routine down to a half an hour though.

You work in cosmetics. You are supposed to represent the line & of makeup in need to wear makeup. I understand that anemia can be a bitch, but you've got to find a way to get yourself out of bed w/ enough time to do a full face of makeup. If you need any tips/tricks to cut your time down, let us know.


Well-known member
thanks soo much to everyone who replied! & thank you MisStarrlight for telling it like it is. i think i just need to get myself back into a routine (going to bed earlier as someone had mentioned). i think my biggest problem is that i haven't been really motivated lately makeup-wise. but i found the time to do full-face today & i felt soo much more confident at work.
so hopefully that will be my motivation! thanks again ladies.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ..kels*
thanks soo much to everyone who replied! & thank you MisStarrlight for telling it like it is. i think i just need to get myself back into a routine (going to bed earlier as someone had mentioned). i think my biggest problem is that i haven't been really motivated lately makeup-wise. but i found the time to do full-face today & i felt soo much more confident at work.
so hopefully that will be my motivation! thanks again ladies.

totally, get yourself some fashion magazines, look through the FOTDs, you'll find something that inspires you and makes you think 'yeah i'm gonna get up early and try recreate that!'


Well-known member
applyfinishing touches such as lipstick in the car, lay out your clothes the day before, and along with your clothes (though they do not have to match) consider your make-up colors and lay those suckers out too!

It takes me a good hour and 15 mins, cause I get my daughter dressed for daycare, talk to my husband, etc. So I plan to do one thing the day before to give me that edge. Whether it be getting those clothes together, taking a shower, bathing my daughter or whatever, slightly changing your routine will help.

I also time my self, for example: 5:45 a.m. wake Raina up, potty, dress, brush hair and teeth. 6:00 a.m. shower or get dressed. 6:30 make-up/ hair (i usually have a weave, so I straighten that out). 7:00 a.m. MUST be out the door. It helps to listen to the news or the radio for updates, traffic reports 'cause they mark certain times during that hour.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by FacesbyNiki
Me too. LOL

And then I end up changing something and have to change my look. LMAO!

Me three. I HATE to feel rushed, so I give myself lots of time. If I rush through it, I will look a hot mess. My hair is an entity of it's own...I have to work to get it to look decent. Maybe I need a better

That said, for work I take about an hour (or more)...if it's my day off, I get can it together a lot faster.


Well-known member
Try doing as much as you can before you sleep (shower, put curlers in hair, pick out clothes) or hey,do your makeup before you sleep and just put your self in restraint straps so you don't mess it up. no, just kiddn'!