How not to be tired all the time? I need advice.


Well-known member
Have you tried a sleep study to see if you have sleep apnea or another sleep disorder? I know you said the insurance company charges you $$$$, but this may be worth a try.


Well-known member
Hello! I used to feel this way ALL the time. I did have to change my diet which wasn't easy. First off I found out i was anemic, if you don't eat a lot of meat (i don't eat anything but fish/chicken and rarely) then theres a high chance you could be anemic and if so, iron tablets will help. If it's not that (just get your blood tested at the doctors) it might be that you just have a lot of stress in your life that you don't let out and so it just stays inside and makes you feel worn out. I would say definitly drink more water and try to change one of your meals. I tried to diet and that didn't work but now I have a salad for lunch everyday with a piece of fruit. I find that pasta/bread will make you feel really lethargic. If you eat a lot of this stuff it can have that effect. It might be that you are allergic to wheat/glutton and that can make you feel like crap too. The best thing is to go to the doctors but more often than not it's lifestyle and diet that make you feel run down.



Well-known member
I've been that way my *whole* life. Sometimes it feels like I could just sleep forever. It sucks. But the last 2 weeks I started walking around a track with my friend and I notice I have a lot more energy.
I think sitting on the computer all day makes me tired!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by hhunt2
All the time I feel tired. On the weekends, I'll sleep-in b/c it's the days I won't go to work. I know that if I sleep-in for too long, I'll have a killer headache.

As for daily tiredness, even right now, I'm at work feeling so tired. My eyes want to shut, my body feels tight & ache, my feet hurt, I don't do my work, etc. (but I know I'm not getting sick). I would go to the doctor and ask but they keep charging me bazar amounts of money saying "it's towards your deductible". But I have been confirmed that I do NOT have a medical problem.

Do any of you gals and guys have suggestions/advice? Change of diet? Certain foods to boost me up? Coffee (I'm not a big fan of coffee, love the smell but not to drink)? Certain work outs? Certain hours to sleep during the night (I'll sleep from 5-7 hrs per night)? Lifestyle changes? Stick my finger in an electrical socket (lol, jk)? Help!

Are you deficient in iron? Taking a supplement may increase your energy level

Corvs Queen

Well-known member
Have your Thyroid checked. I had a lot of the same problems as you and as it turned out, I have a slight deficiency in my thyroid.


Well-known member
When I'm tired, I still try to go to the gym. I'll do some running or the elliptical. It gives me energy for the next couple of hours.

Sleeping way too much will only make you feel more sluggish. I used to sleep in at every chance I get which only made me more sleepy and grouchy.