How often do you buy new shoes?


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I just bought a pair of Jessica Simpson thongs for summer last night. Who else is on the shoe-buying bandwagon?

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Whenever the seasons change (well can be any time really) I go on a shoe and handbag spending spree!! I can't seem to get enough of either.


Well-known member
probably a couple times a month...then I may go many months without buying any at just depends....I think I buy more in the summer....I love cute sandals


Well-known member
yeah about once a month , whenever I go outta town and I visit a place with a mall. We only have Kmart and a crummy JCpenny in my town so I take advantage when I leave!!


Well-known member
I usually buy a pair or two a season. Sometimes more. I go through phases of what type of clothing I'm into, so I buy based on that.


Well-known member
not often enough...haha but maybe once a month and sometimes i'll go months without buying shoes...i'm actually really picky


Well-known member
I haven't purchased a new pair of shoes in over a year. I have one pair of shoes I wear pretty much all the time, and I think I wear other shoes maybe a dozen times a year. Possibly less.


Well-known member
I'm really bad for buying shoes but I have been very very controlled this year.

Last year by this time I had bought about 50 pairs of shoes, this year I've bought 5 and of those I have gotten through 3


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I often buy new shoes to go with a certain outfit.
I did just score a pristine pair of white Doc Martens at the Goodwill for $4.50. They don't even look like they have ever been worn!!!


Well-known member
i used to buy shoes all the time and i mean like a pair a week!!! so you can imagine how many pairs of shoes i actually have! soi haven't actually bought any new shoes in about 8 months!

oh i tell a lie. i bought some new work shoes (boring black leather ones from clarks) and some hot pink sandals from primark for £4 which are a bargain!


Well-known member
I usually only buy shoes when I want a pair to go with a certain outfit.

I use any occasion as an excuse to buy a new pair of shoes.

Going to a wedding? Oh I need a new outfit AND a new pair of shoes..

going to visit a friend for a few days, I need a new pair of shoes to wear to the airport.

Going out on the boat this weekend? I think I better buy a new pair of flippy floppys to wear .



Well-known member
I usually buy new gym shoes every 6 months. As for other shoes- whenever I am bored (sorry husband) or see something I have to have. I have BIG feet so I am limited as to what I can get
(lucky husband)


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On average, I buy one pair each season with the exception of summer. In the summer, I buy several sandals. Lately, I buy shoes whenever I want another pair, have money or see a pair I must have.


Well-known member
Count me in!
I just bought some gladiator sandals. I don't know what exactly I'm looking for next but I am always up for that "surprise purchase" that never seems to get old...

My pattern for buying shoes is quite random, I don't necessarily go shoe hunting unless I really don't have one single pair to match an outfit, but I can't narrow it down to a definite time period =/


Well-known member
I usually buy as the seasons change. Here in Australia we're heading into winter so I've already bought a couple of new pairs of boots and some closed toe shoes (black, round toe patent leather platforms
I'm in love with them)

I think if you've worn them allot over the previous season they're probably worn out and in need of replacing. But I'm a complete shoe addict so I don't really need an excuse to buy new shoes, I'm usually compelled to by some invisable force


Well-known member
About once a month... I always tell myself I don't have enough shoes or I need a pair of new shoes to match the new dresses!

My man doesn't understand why I need so many shoes *I've around 50 pairs at the moment* because he said all he needs are 5 pairs (2 for work, 1 for casual, 1 for sports and 1 for outdoor activities).