how similar is moderne to blankety and deceptive?


Active member
im trying to find a substitude for moderne, i adore nude lip colors. so on my list, im planning to try blankety and deceptive, which of these or the eixisting line is similar to moderne?


Well-known member
Moderne is pretty sheer, and Deceptive is amplified cream and looks a bit lighter/muted than Moderne. Haven't actually tried Deceptive yet but will update when I do.


Well-known member
OK, I swatched both on my hand and have yet to upload a pic but basically Deceptive is a tad pinker and more opaque as is to be expected with amplified creme l/s, whereas Moderne is a lustre and more sheer. So truthfully, not really a good match BUT Deceptive is actually nicer in my opinion.