How to blend out a black base?


Hi everyone

I've been practising my blending like mad recently and feel that I've really improved - mainly thanks to the FOTDs and tutorials on here so thank you all

I've started trying to layer paintpots and shadows/piggies but I can get the blending right when I use blackground - I make a very very rough shape lightly with a kohl pencil then fill in with blackground with a 242 then apply whatever colour over the top - but when I apply the highlight I can still see a REALLY obvious shape - any tips on how I can blend out the shape would be much appreciated!!


Well-known member
I am not a make up artist, but this works for me. Im not using blackground, but its the same time of make up, in a dark red colour, and what i do is put it on, and then take a q-tip, not wet, not dipped in anything, and just go over the edge so that the shape isnt really obvious. I found that this works really well... Let me know if it works for you!!


Well-known member
^ by the way i meant "type" of makeup, not "time", and im sorry i will re-read my posts before posting them from now on, but i forgot to tell u i do it in a swiping motion, and it can take a little while before it is perfect, but it works pretty fast


Well-known member
Hi, I like to blend the edges of the blackground (or whatever your paint pot of choice is) with a 217 brush before I apply the eyeshadow on top. This really helps to get a softer line to blend your eyeshadows on top of the paint pot!



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Punky79
Hi everyone

I've been practising my blending like mad recently and feel that I've really improved - mainly thanks to the FOTDs and tutorials on here so thank you all

I've started trying to layer paintpots and shadows/piggies but I can get the blending right when I use blackground - I make a very very rough shape lightly with a kohl pencil then fill in with blackground with a 242 then apply whatever colour over the top - but when I apply the highlight I can still see a REALLY obvious shape - any tips on how I can blend out the shape would be much appreciated!!

The problem I think is in how you're applying the base. If you fill in a shape that you drew with the pencil, it means the edge is going to be very pronounced. Try not making a pencil line before, and either using a finger to apply the paint pot and smudging it out with a clean finger, or using the brush to apply just a very tiny amount of the PP, then feathering it out softly when you get to the crease area, so you won't have a demarcation line when you apply the color on top. You could also use a softer, fluffier brush to apply the paint pot, i know some people use the 217 for applying it because it will be easier to feather out. You want a gradient of color from the darkest being around your lashline, and getting lighter as you go up to the crease or brow area.


Well-known member
i wonder if when you say you are filling it in, that definitely would give a more defined shape?

What I do with paintpots (which are my fave) is I swipe with a small e/s brush (i use a cheap annabelle drugstore one) a couple times. then i start in the middle of my lid, moving outward. that way, it gets a bit lighter as you progress outward, esp. the inner and outer parts of the eye. So instead of doing the kohl liner for your shape, can you use your brush to apply the blackground in the general area, trying to make it lighter towards the edges?


Well-known member
Try using a stiff(er) blending brush to apply the black base straight onto your eye, like the 217 brush. I know that Marlena (makeupgeektv on YouTube) loves to do this and her dark bases always come out very well blended.


Thank you everyone!

MissChevious yes I think you're right about the pencil - I literally just dot very lightly to try and get the shape even on both sides but I can see why it would make it harder to blend.

I wonder if I try and do the shape with a light pencil it would work?

I would never have thought of using a 217 to apply a paint pot so I will DEFINITELY try this thank you so much!

I'll look up Marlena on youtube too.

Will let you know how I get on.


Well-known member
Blend off the edge of the black base with your pinkie finger and give it something to blend into.

I.E sheerly apply Bare Study from the brow bone to the crease, Blackground from lashline to crease. Blend the joining edge softly and allow the colours go smoothly graduate into each other.


Well-known member
Thanks for this post, I was wondering how to blend out black bases....Im completly clueless with black!

I may have to go try this!