How to coax out an overdue baby? Help!


Well-known member
So I'm at 41 weeks today, in perfect health, as is baby, but come to find out that my doctor is leaving for vacation on Saturday! So far there is no definite sign that labor is imminent, and my doctor says it's fine to wait, but I'm so afraid of delivering with someone I've never met! I don't want to be medically induced, as I'm trying to avoid any kind of intervention at all..

Do any of you have any suggestions for safe, natural means of trying to induce labor at home? I know about the castor oil method, and I'm not doing it :p But has anything else worked for anyone here? Any info is welcome, good thoughts as well


Well-known member
I really think this is one best left to the experts! You'd never forgive yourself if an attempt to induce the baby at home resulted in damage. Good luck, I'm sure you'll give birth soon enough.


Well-known member
When i had my first sex induced the labor. My second, I walked around alot and the third baby was induced. Being induced really isn't bad, they nurses and doctors really know what they are doing and can keep you comfortable. Good luck!


Well-known member
ok, I actually have some experience in this field! yay! lol, so first things first, make sure you don't dehydrate yourself, but go for long, meaningful (not brisk or hard) walks, also, have sex and make sure your partner 'releases the doves' inside of you, there is an ingredient in the 'stuff' that causes contractions, and maybe ask your doc to strip your membranes....this seems to help some women along.....keep us updated!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lemurian
Does the sex count if it's not with other people? :p

eh. technically, yeah, in that orgasms can bring on labor.

OR there's nipple stimulation though that's REALLY NOT recommended, because of the strength of the contractions. :/


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
Oh, and sex.

That is SO true and that is why my daughter was 2 weeks early


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mzcelaneous
That is SO true and that is why my daughter was 2 weeks early


I had 3 csections so I lucked out and never had labor. Thank God.

Having performed Csections, I'm totally cool with them and completely comfortable with the decision (for the second two) to just have sections instead of going through labor.
I really researched VBAC (my daughter was breech, and I was TINY, like little bitty tiny when I had her...) for my second and third kids and wasn't comfortable, particularly with my experience in the medical field with undergoing the risk of any negative situations arising.

But yep. Sex'll do it.


Well-known member
Hm, I've got no advice on natural ways to induce, but if you're planning on a natural birth, I've got 30 hours of experience and would be more than happy to share!


Well-known member
I heard on dateline or 20/20 or somewhere like that (it was a lil study /segment) that if you eat eggplant parmigian (cant spell sorry:O) 3 nights in a row you will go into labor within a week. They tested a buncha women and it worked for like a lil over half, but I dont know how they can be sure it was the eggplant parmigian or just their time for labor.

Now I have never had kids so that means I have never tried this, but it couldn't hurt to try lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
eh. technically, yeah, in that orgasms can bring on labor.

Oh good! Since baby's daddy is on the other side of the Atlantic, I don't have so much choice in the matter


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lady_MAC
Hm, I've got no advice on natural ways to induce, but if you're planning on a natural birth, I've got 30 hours of experience and would be more than happy to share!

I am planning on a natural birth, a more natural one than is generally allowed in hospitals these days, which is why it's so important to me to have my own doctor there :/ I'm not at all intimidated by giving birth without meds, I just don't want to be "on the clock", or have my idea of what normal is conflict with the other professionals in attendance..

But if you have stories of natural birth with good outcomes, I'd love to hear! No horror stories, though, please


Well-known member
the ahhh...doves someone else mentioned...will definitely help it along, but so do good orgasms.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by koolmnbv
I heard on dateline or 20/20 or somewhere like that (it was a lil study /segment) that if you eat eggplant parmigian (cant spell sorry:O) 3 nights in a row you will go into labor within a week. They tested a buncha women and it worked for like a lil over half, but I dont know how they can be sure it was the eggplant parmigian or just their time for labor.

Now I have never had kids so that means I have never tried this, but it couldn't hurt to try lol.

I've read about that in other places, too! It's so bizarre.. eggplant is just slightly toxic, and parmesan has naturally occuring MSG, so maybe the combo causes baby to say "I'm outta here!" :p I'd try if I could stomach eggplant, and if I weren't trying for labor in the next two days instead of weeks!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
you make me so glad to never be pregnant again

Hehe.. I don't plan on being pregnant again, either. I have tremendous respect for women who've done this multiple times..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by caffn8me
I really think this is one best left to the experts! You'd never forgive yourself if an attempt to induce the baby at home resulted in damage. Good luck, I'm sure you'll give birth soon enough.

I'd never do anything that would do baby, or me, any harm (thus my refusal to try the castor oil!). But I know that there are harmless old wives tales that must be worth trying
For instance, I've read today that for some reason pineapple helps the cervix "ripen", so here I am having a couple coconut/pineapple smoothies.. it can't hurt! And in fact it tastes pretty good

Thank you for the kind words!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lemurian
Does the sex count if it's not with other people? :p

Orgasm is actually what induces labour so go ahead and enjoy yourself
Let us know how everything goes


Well-known member
If you using a midwife or Doula which you said you were planning on having a "more natural birth than most hospitals will allow" ask her/him about stripping your membranes or ask that they be a little more "rough" with you when they check you next time...

I was overdue also so I was induced because I was overdue and because my dr was going on vacation lol but since you want a natural labor I guess induction isnt an option for you (btw pitocin isnt the only thing they can give you for induction they also have a cervix ripining thing that they put next to your cervix and it releases a VERY small amout of hormones I believe anyway Its what I got and it worked mabye you should ask your dr about that)

Just discuss with yoru dr that you REALLY want them to deliver for you you never know they may be able to work something out for you!