How to do this look from a MUA?? Please! ;)


Active member
I really want to know how to do the look from the 2002 Colour Theory 9 collection. I had a friend draw a face chart almost exactly like it (without knowing about Colour Theory 9 pics) and the MUA at the counter said it looked good on paper but wouldn't transfer to a face because the colors would just blend...SO...I found this pic and would love to know from a MUA how to do it on a face! Thanks!

Attachment 4564


Well-known member
I don't think they will blend if you apply them with a tiny brush. Make sure the colors you are using are really pigmented and you have a really good base like UDPP. UDPP is good because e/s don't blend as easily on it. I am not sure what colors would be good maybe chrome yellow.. the color on the very left looks like kitchmas pigment
EEK! If you look at the picture she has no pupils! LOL Obviously photoshopped.


Well-known member
There have been quite a few "rainbow eyes" tutorials in the tutorial section that would look similar to this. Do a search and check those out.


Well-known member
When I've done a couple rainbow looks I use a small brush, use a base (I just use maybelline matte mousse) and I make a stripe basically. From the top(eyebrow) to the lid. Don't blend and make sure your colors are vibrant! Sometimes you might have to do more than one "coat" of a color but it's easier than it looks


Active member
Thank you so much for all the help! I am going to check out some of the rainbow tuts too! I wasn't smart enough to search for a "rainbow" look! DUH!