How to make up the eyes without using the crease technique ?


Well-known member

I need your help because I can't do a beautiful make up on eyes. I tried lots of differents techniques that I saw in Specktra tutorials but it's not beautifull on my eyes.
I think that crease technique isn't suitable to my eyelids.
What technique do you recommend to me to do a beautifull eye make up ?
Here is 2 pictures of my eyes :


I have good brushes : the 239 and the 219.

Thanks in advance.


P.S : Sorry for my bad English


Well-known member
if you want to apply eyeshadow on your crease, think of your crease as where your eyelids fold when theyre open & apply the eyeshadow there. i dont know if you get what im sayin. if u need me to explain it further, i can...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jasminbarley
For example, I already think that your eyes are beautiful! However, you can enhance them by:
- adding a highlighter colour to the outer part of brow bone, underneath the brows;
- using a light or bright colour on your movable lid to bring this part of your eye 'forward'


I have small eyes, and these are must-do for me. The highlight on the brow and a light color on the lid really bring them forward to make it seem like they're bigger than they really are. After years of trial and error, I've discovered I don't like anything but a light shade on the lid. I can do dark shades, but I stay away from medium ones on the lid. I think a lot of it is experimentation. I'm still finding new application and color placement techniques that I like.


Well-known member
Blend darker shadows on the outer corner of your lids in. A pretty flash of the colour on the lids is nice for hooded eyes too. And they always look sultry and defined.


Well-known member
You can definitely do a crease color.
The key is to go with a crease color that's not too dark, as dark/shadows recede (which gives the creased look...which may be too much for those with hooded lids). Something that's a shade or two darker than your skintone will give you the three dimensional look, without going too over the top.


Well-known member
Chpidou we have very similar eyes shape and creases. But your lids are more visible than mine. Eyeliner doesn't even look 'obvious' on my lids.

Of course you can use the crease technique. The key is to bring the color upper so people will be able to see it when you close your eyes. Also, don't use too dark color. Charcoal is the color I go for when creating crease.

Check this out YouTube - iwanted2c1video's Channel . Her eyes are similar to mine, so I love watching her videos for learning. I hope you can too..

Or find the nearest MAC/beauty store near you and just ask them simply how you can do the crease technique on your eyes. I only learned it within minutes. Good luck!


Well-known member
Your eyes look similar to mine, they are called slightly hooded eyes. It's still possible to do crease work but you generally have to place it a bit higher than your natural crease or it won't really show up much.


Well-known member
Thank you all for your answers, it's very nice.
Just a question : if you do the crease a bit above the natural crease, you place your colour on your bone, that's it ?


Well-known member
I have a quite similar eye shape. I can't do brights or darks on my entire lid. If I want to do a bright or dark color on my lid I must do the inner 1/3 of my eye a light highlight color, otherwise it makes my eyes look small and the lid heavy.

I also don't do the crease... I'll do a medium color for the middle 1/3 and a dark color blended up and out for the outer 1/3. I also love wearing black eyeliner on the outer half of my eye (never all the way in) on top as it seems to make my lid look less heavy and my eyelashes thicker. Sometimes I will line my waterline on the outer half of my eye (again, never all the way in).