How would I lighten my hair If it was dyed a really dark brown?


Well-known member
I had a very big mishap in may[ a lady dyed half of my hair orange and chopped it off] and so I went to this lady to correct it and she dyed all of my hair a really dark brown almost black. Well its been months and my hair is still the same color. I just want to lighten up a bit but I don't want to keep on dying it. Any ideas?


Well-known member
it depends on what you're dying it
if youre only lighteneing a couple shades most hair dye kits can lighten up to 3 shades
but if youre doing something really drastic you will probably need to bleach first


Bleach, then wait a few days, then dye it the colour you want. trust me, i dyed my hair black once and a couple months later i wanted to dye my hair very very light brown, but it remained black. either that or go to a salon and let them take care of it


Well-known member
i would go to a salon again because they know what they are doing for the most part

If you want to lighten your hair, you're going to have to bleach it. they would probably bleach it, then throw color on top of that so that you have the color you want. you can tell the stylist exactly what you want and she can give you tips on caring for your hair afterwards (coloring/bleaching your hair often will do damage) and just make sure that you aren't going to want your hair dark again in a month! I'm very undecisive and I know that once I go black (or damn near it) I won't be going back (hahaha
) and if I do want to go lighter than black, its going to take some bleaching/damage

HTH good luck


Well-known member
A) GO TO A SALON...unless you want orange hair.
B) It will take months to go light depending on how dark your hair is and how light you want it to be. It will have to be done in stages for minimal damage as bleaching is horrible for your hair. You'll start with highlight and over the months can add more and lightening them. It is a slow process but much more worth it. I have bleach blonde hair and have gone through this process millions of times. And like cantaffordmac said be sure you want it blonde because it will do crazy damage to your hair. Lol and on the other side be careful when dying it dark again because I've done that many times and its cool for a few months and them I start missing my hair and it takes at least half a year and lots of frying to get my beloved blonde hair back grrr lol