How would u feel?!


Well-known member
Okay, well I JUST stopped talking to this guy like right now, FINAL OVER done.

We started talking couple months ago and we hit it off soooooooo great, talked and saw each other all the time. Then we finally got into our first fight we stopped talking to each other for awhile, then missed each other and started talking again. Well couple weeks passed, same thing happened. Well after a couple times we just stopped talking, he found someone else and so did I. We talked as friends, then kinda talked again. Now we realized it didnt work, and he's talking bout how I need to change, how Id be a bad bf, and just basically tearing me to shreds.. has this ever happened?

Has your knight and shinning prince ever turned into the grim reeper?


Well-known member
What kind of stuff do you guys fight about? I can't understand why people who date casually (aren't married) fight about things. He sounds like a douche.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by REYNALD0C
Has your knight and shining prince ever turned into the grim reeper?

yes, and while i hate to admit it...i still hate him for it haha.

but srsly, if this dude is giving you shit, tell him to sod off. you deserve better. nobody deserves to be torn down like that all the time.