Howdy from Texas!

Hey there! Just wanted to drop a huge hello from the biggest freakin' state in the union! I just moved here a year ago with my hubby and 3 year old son from Miami, Florida. Yea, BIG change! I truly miss Florida, mainly my family, friends that I have had my whole life and the ocean. Texas is nice and people are very friendly. But I hope to make my way back to Florida in the future. Till then... I am a freelance artist/stay at home mom/domestic goddess, now dabbling alot in make-up, so this website is great, keep up the good work, higher-ups, it's fabulous!!


Well-known member
welcome! so nice of you to join us

i used to live in Florida...but then i moved to Ohio.
i've been to Texas,'s gorgeous.


Well-known member
so when can we get together so you can do my make up for me? hehe..I'm new too and just wanted to say hi..


Well-known member
Hi brightgreeneyes and welcome to Specktra!


I'm sure you'll have as much fun here as we have everyday!

Wow hi everyone, I just realized that I got responses to my intro, guess I gotta check up on my posts more often, hard to keep track! Hey to all you beautiful people! I heart this website so much! So much info and talent, Love it!!