

Well-known member
"Serial monogamy" is the buzz word of the day. People are generally just faithful till another partner comes along. Of course, that's not always the case in every relationship.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GalleyGirl
I'm afraid to get it, because I'm 26, and I know they'll make me take a test first - and what if it turns out I have it? I already have an anxiety disorder, I don't need this to worry about too.

I hope you get regular paps, why would this be any different?


Well-known member
Genital HPV Infection - CDC Fact Sheet
For information on the HPV vaccine, see HPV Vaccine Questions and Answers.


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Genital HPV infection is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) that is caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). Human papillomavirus is the name of a group of viruses that includes more than 100 different strains or types. More than 30 of these viruses are sexually transmitted, and they can infect the genital area of men and women including the skin of the penis, vulva (area outside the vagina), or anus, and the linings of the vagina, cervix, or rectum. Most people who become infected with HPV will not have any symptoms and will clear the infection on their own.
Some of these viruses are called "high-risk" types, and may cause abnormal Pap tests. They may also lead to cancer of the cervix, vulva, vagina, anus, or penis. Others are called "low-risk" types, and they may cause mild Pap test abnormalities or genital warts. Genital warts are single or multiple growths or bumps that appear in the genital area, and sometimes are cauliflower shaped.

Approximately 20 million people are currently infected with HPV. At least 50 percent of sexually active men and women acquire genital HPV infection at some point in their lives. By age 50, at least 80 percent of women will have acquired genital HPV infection. About 6.2 million Americans get a new genital HPV infection each year.

The types of HPV that infect the genital area are spread primarily through genital contact. Most HPV infections have no signs or symptoms; therefore, most infected persons are unaware they are infected, yet they can transmit the virus to a sex partner. Rarely, a pregnant woman can pass HPV to her baby during vaginal delivery. A baby that is exposed to HPV very rarely develops warts in the throat or voice box.

Most people who have a genital HPV infection do not know they are infected. The virus lives in the skin or mucous membranes and usually causes no symptoms. Some people get visible genital warts, or have pre-cancerous changes in the cervix, vulva, anus, or penis. Very rarely, HPV infection results in anal or genital cancers.
Genital warts usually appear as soft, moist, pink, or flesh-colored swellings, usually in the genital area. They can be raised or flat, single or multiple, small or large, and sometimes cauliflower shaped. They can appear on the vulva, in or around the vagina or anus, on the cervix, and on the penis, scrotum, groin, or thigh. After sexual contact with an infected person, warts may appear within weeks or months, or not at all.
Genital warts are diagnosed by visual inspection. Visible genital warts can be removed by medications the patient applies, or by treatments performed by a health care provider. Some individuals choose to forego treatment to see if the warts will disappear on their own. No treatment regimen for genital warts is better than another, and no one treatment regimen is ideal for all cases.

Most women are diagnosed with HPV on the basis of abnormal Pap tests. A Pap test is the primary cancer-screening tool for cervical cancer or pre-cancerous changes in the cervix, many of which are related to HPV. Also, a specific test is available to detect HPV DNA in women. The test may be used in women with mild Pap test abnormalities, or in women >30 years of age at the time of Pap testing. The results of HPV DNA testing can help health care providers decide if further tests or treatment are necessary.
No HPV tests are available for men.

There is no "cure" for HPV infection, although in most women the infection goes away on its own. The treatments provided are directed to the changes in the skin or mucous membrane caused by HPV infection, such as warts and pre-cancerous changes in the cervix.

All types of HPV can cause mild Pap test abnormalities which do not have serious consequences. Approximately 10 of the 30 identified genital HPV types can lead, in rare cases, to development of cervical cancer. Research has shown that for most women (90 percent), cervical HPV infection becomes undetectable within two years. Although only a small proportion of women have persistent infection, persistent infection with "high-risk" types of HPV is the main risk factor for cervical cancer.
A Pap test can detect pre-cancerous and cancerous cells on the cervix. Regular Pap testing and careful medical follow-up, with treatment if necessary, can help ensure that pre-cancerous changes in the cervix caused by HPV infection do not develop into life threatening cervical cancer. The Pap test used in U.S. cervical cancer screening programs is responsible for greatly reducing deaths from cervical cancer. For 2004, the American Cancer Society estimates that about 10,520 women will develop invasive cervical cancer and about 3,900 women will die from this disease. Most women who develop invasive cervical cancer have not had regular cervical cancer screening.

The surest way to eliminate risk for genital HPV infection is to refrain from any genital contact with another individual.
For those who choose to be sexually active, a long-term, mutually monogamous relationship with an uninfected partner is the strategy most likely to prevent future genital HPV infections. However, it is difficult to determine whether a partner who has been sexually active in the past is currently infected.
For those choosing to be sexually active and who are not in long-term mutually monogamous relationships, reducing the number of sexual partners and choosing a partner less likely to be infected may reduce the risk of genital HPV infection. Partners less likely to be infected include those who have had no or few prior sex partners.
HPV infection can occur in both male and female genital areas that are covered or protected by a latex condom, as well as in areas that are not covered. While the effect of condoms in preventing HPV infection is unknown, condom use has been associated with a lower rate of cervical cancer, an HPV-associated disease.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases - Home Page
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Infection - Topic Page
HPV and Men - Fact Sheet
HPV Vaccine Questions and Answers
HPV: Common Infection. Common Reality - Brochures and Posters
Order Publications Online
Cervical Cancer Awareness
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
STD information and referrals to STD Clinics
1-800-CDC-INFO (800-232-4636)
TTY: 1-888-232-6348
In English, en Español
American Cancer Society (ACS)
CDC National Prevention Information Network (NPIN)
P.O. Box 6003
Rockville, MD 20849-6003
1-888-282-7681 Fax
1-800-243-7012 TTY
E-mail: [email protected]
American Social Health Association (ASHA)
P. O. Box 13827
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-3827
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Sexually Transmitted Diseases Treatment Guidelines 2002. MMWR 2002;51(no. RR-6).
Ho GYF, Bierman R, Beardsley L, Chang CJ, Burk RD. Natural history of cervicovaginal papilloma virus infection in young women. N Engl J Med 1998;338:423-8.
Koutsky LA, Kiviat NB. Genital human papillomavirus. In: K. Holmes, P. Sparling, P. Mardh et al (eds). Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 3rd edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1999, p. 347-359.
Kiviat NB, Koutsky LA, Paavonen J. Cervical neoplasia and other STD-related genital tract neoplasias. In: K. Holmes, P. Sparling, P. Mardh et al (eds). Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 3rd edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1999, p. 811-831.
Myers ER, McCrory DC, Nanda K, Bastian L, Matchar DB. Mathematical model for the natural history of human papillomavirus infection and cervical carcinogenesis. American Journal of Epidemiology 2000; 151(12):1158-1171.
Watts DH, Brunham RC. Sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV infection in pregnancy. In: K. Holmes, P. Sparling, P. Mardh et al (eds). Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 3rd edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1999, 1089-1132.
Weinstock H, Berman S, Cates W. Sexually transmitted disease among American youth: Incidence and prevalence estimates, 2000. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health 2004; 36: 6-10..

Content reviewed: May 2004​

Content provided by the Division of STD Prevention
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Well-known member
I would like to add that if you get HPV (you may have it and be unaware) you can pass it on to your children (gee thanks parents!). If you have it while pregnant, you will have a C section (they cut you and your uterus open) to remove the baby so that s/he will not be exposed to the virus and have it live in his or her nose/throat/moth/bronchial passages and lungs for the rest of the child's life.
As some people pointed out, monogamy and birth control pills won't protect you from STDs. Infact, the Pill makes it easier to contract chlamydia, trichimonas, bacterial vaginosis, and other STD's by altering the vaginal pH.

I can't understand that people would pay money for a new handbag or to have their car detailed or buy the latest makeup collection but wouldn't spend money -and its money well spent because it lasts forever and cervical cancer is horrible (not to mention malodorous). It's like saying "my body and my health is not worth it". It's a safe shot, no one has died from it, and we give it to people who are nine and up. A lot of payoff for little price.


Well-known member
^ditto.....except even having a csection will not prevent your child from contracting the virus. If you contract the virus for the first time when you're pregnant, it can be passed on to the unborn fetus through the placenta. And even if you already had the virus, the baby can still become infected through vaginal delivery or csection.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *Stargazer*
I have never, ever heard that it is unlikely non-smokers will develop cervical cancer from HPV.

I've never heard this either. Though the risks of any cancer are apparently greater if you smoke (not just lung /mouth cancers).

Originally Posted by LMcConnell18
all i have to say is...
"one less".
one less mother
one less sister
one less friend
that will have to fight for their lives.

or one less person that you could lose... that's how i read it 'til i got to your last sentence. And it hit home as i've lost someone close to cancer (though not cervical cancer)

Anyway, just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has contributed info to this thread, i appreciate it.

And one question: Does anyone know anything about the availability/use of this vaccine in the UK???


Well-known member
Smoking does increase a woman's chances of growing cervical cancer, bladder cancer,pancreatic cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer and pretty much all the other cancers-not just head and neck cancer.

The reason for C section delivery if there are HPV lesions present during the last weeks of pregnancy is because thebaby can be born with HPV in his or her nose, mouth and airway and eyes. The same is true for herpes, even if the woman is on Valtrex (acyclovir) for supression, babies can be born and have their nervous systems affected. I'm talking herpetic menigitis. There is no vaccine for Herpes Simplex 2 Virus.


Well-known member
^ That depends on the doctor though. Even when there are HPV warts present they will still let you deliver vaginally because, whether there are warts present or not, the virus is still present and can still be passed on regardless (this is true for sex as well. If there are no warts visible, you can still pass it on to your partner because you may be "shedding" the virus, condom or no condom) so many doctors will not risk a csection just for HPV. Basically you have a 50/50 chance of the baby getting HPV. They will, however, schedule a Csection if the warts are bad to where it will cause too much trauma/bleeding and will make it hard to almost impossible to repair damage caused by vaginal delivery.

You are correct about Herpes though....