Humid, Old Gold Pig., Gilt Edge...all for you Pursebuzz!


Well-known member
So Pursebuzz currently has a challenge on greens, and while I'm a benchwarmer compared to many starters there, I thought I'd give it a shot. Enjoy!

Eyes (In order applied, and MAC products unless stated otherwise)

Prep and Prime.
Gilt Edge Richmetal Highlighter all over eyes
Humid on the outer 1/3 of lid
Old Gold Pigment middle of eye and slightly ...blended slightly over Humid,
Swimming lightly tapped over old gold.
Vanilla Pigment beginning on tearduct area, and bordering over old gold/swimming (Kind of like an "r")
Went over everything with my 224 brush.
Forest Green Pigment outer V
Carbon tapped on the outer crease with my 239 brush.
Black Track Fluid Line (top, and bottom outer half)
Forever Green Powerpoint eyeliner over black track
Nylon to highlight, blending downwards
Tapped on Reflects Gold to finish off the look
Max Factor Volume Couture

Face (didn't feel like putting a lot):
Shisedo Concealor
Skin Finish Powder in Medium
Light Flush MSF

Lingering to line
Cork to fill using my 219 brush

Lips (do not use this combo, turned out ugly with the colors, but incase you like it for another look, then...
Pink Plaid
Underage Lip Gloss

Hope you enjoyed it!


Well-known member
This is such a pretty look...very sultry greens!


Well-known member
abs gorgeous!!! everything looks hot.. even the lip combo with the eyes. thanks for sharing. amazing brows!


Well-known member
Wow..thanks everyone for your sweet comments! This is the first time I've gotten any word on my application technique, so thank you!