Hypothyroidism and pregnancy


Well-known member
I was wondering if there was anyone on this site who has hypothyroidism and has children (or tried/is trying). Or if you even know anyone.

We have a daughter who was conceived before I was diagnosed but DF and I are trying to have another child now. It's been freakin frustrating. Not having a period in over a year, taking meds to start it, only to find out that you may not even ovulate is a pain in the ass.

Are you or do you know anyone who is/was in my shoes? And how long did it take to get pregnant?


Well-known member
I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism after my son's birth. However, we haven't tried to have another because I'm still recovering physically from the last one! I had all sorts of back problems from the weight gain from the thyroid disease. Ridiculous cycle. I've been on meds about a year and a half, so if you have any questions about my experience, I'd be more than happy to share with you

Good luck with everything. You may want to talk to you doctor about being pregnant and taking your meds, though, because if I recall, they aren't suitable for women who are pregnant.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by XsMom21
I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism after my son's birth. However, we haven't tried to have another because I'm still recovering physically from the last one! I had all sorts of back problems from the weight gain from the thyroid disease. Ridiculous cycle. I've been on meds about a year and a half, so if you have any questions about my experience, I'd be more than happy to share with you

Good luck with everything. You may want to talk to you doctor about being pregnant and taking your meds, though, because if I recall, they aren't suitable for women who are pregnant.

I was diagnosed over a year ago and I've been on thyroxine (sp?) since then. I know how it is with the weight gain, fatigue and all
I think I responded to one of your posts regarding this before. Any improvements with you? I can tell you that NONE with me so far

I'm on something else right now in order to get pregnant and still have control over my thyroid. It's a PITA and I'm thinking that we should wait to have another kid after my hypo gets better.


Thank you though. I appreciate it


Well-known member
After almost a year of pleading to up my dosage, they finally did and I'm getting better. My blood pressure gets a little high sometimes, but other than that, I feel a LOT better. My back has even gotten better because I have enough energy to work through the pain (having energy sure does help with the depression of being hurt, too) I'm currently taking .075 of the thyroxine(sp?) (or Synthroid - that's the brand name version).

My mother has had HYPERthyroid for some time, and her's fluctuates. Some years she battles it constantly, taking BETA blockers and thyroid meds, and others, she doesn't have to take a thing. It's odd.

In your case, with the pregnancy, I WOULD suggest waiting, at LEAST until your levels are normal. All I can think about when I think of having another baby is dealing with the thyoid fatigue, plus the fatigue of pregnancy. Sometimes, you have to follow the cues from your body, ya know? If your body is not acting right, it may just be a sign that it still hasn't recovered from the last pregnancy.

My aunt had three babies back to back and spent almost six months in the hospital after the last one. Her body was just so tired, she couldn't function. And SHE was perfectly healthy, no other health problems. So, you have to decide for yourself if you think your body can handle it.

If you ever want to talk further, please just message me


Well-known member
Originally Posted by XsMom21
In your case, with the pregnancy, I WOULD suggest waiting, at LEAST until your levels are normal. All I can think about when I think of having another baby is dealing with the thyoid fatigue, plus the fatigue of pregnancy. Sometimes, you have to follow the cues from your body, ya know? If your body is not acting right, it may just be a sign that it still hasn't recovered from the last pregnancy.

My aunt had three babies back to back and spent almost six months in the hospital after the last one. Her body was just so tired, she couldn't function. And SHE was perfectly healthy, no other health problems. So, you have to decide for yourself if you think your body can handle it.

If you ever want to talk further, please just message me


We really want to have another kid soon. Our daughter is turning 6 this year and we don't want that huge of an age gap.


Active member
I didn't find out until I was pregnant. I have SLE (lupus), and during some tests they diagnosed me with a low thyroid. I started on levoxathyn (sorry can't spell), but I guess I had a bad reaction to it because my I broke out in hives, and my throt closed.I am now using Armour-thyroid and am doing better with it, but im sort of depreased about the weight gain, as I was never a heavy person before. I have also have had mood swings, acne, and loss of appetite which is weird considereing i have gained a lot of weight.I did have a lot of pregnancy complications, such as PIH and severe ecplampsia. I was hospitilized for about three weeks prior to my c-section. The day I had my baby I was so sick of being there, and being told they didn't know what caused my problems, I left without consent. Long story short, I went home and instantly I was sicker than a dog. I could not move, had the worst headache in my life. So I went back, and my blood pressure was a 189, I seizured and they said they had to do the emergency C-section. My baby was born 12 weeks early and weighed only 2 lbs. While he is doing better almost 3 months and at 6lbs 12 oz , my OB/GYn still can not tell me what caused all my problems. So if you do become pregnant just make sure to get plenty of rest, avoid any sress, and to eat right. good luck

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