I can't believe she's gone :(


Well-known member
this post made me cry. I, too, have had to put cats down. It's the hardest thing to go through.
I'm so sorry


Well-known member
I'm so sorry for your loss. Having to put down my baby dog, Camila was one of the worse things I went through. Pets are part of your family and bring their unique personalities to your life and also the unconditional love they give is amazing. It's been now a year since my beloved Camila passed on and it's quite hard not having her here but I know that I gave her the best life possible, loved her to my full capacity and was there when needed me most. Time will help the pain not feel as horrible as it is now, memories will have a less painful more enjoyable way of coming to you. But the love you feel for her will never diminish and that way she will never be forgotten. I send you big hugs and know that the love she had for you is everlasting too.


Well-known member
I can totally relate to what you're going through hun, and I really feel for you. I lost my beloved cat 2 years ago and I will always remember him and never quite get over it.
Pets are members of the family. You get to know their personalities, what makes them tick (and ticks them off!) and you love them and understand them.
Try to take comfort in the fact that you gave her a wonderful home, life and companionship and that she is at peace now.
Hold onto the happy memories, and of course, grieve. It takes time, and it's natural, but know that she's at rest. No more pain or illnesses.



Well-known member
Oh... I am so, so sorry. Reading this made me cry. It is my nightmare... the day I have to deal with my cats dying. I am seriously terrified of it (especially knowing I will have to sooner than I want to). It is losing a family member and a best friend. The precious little furbabies just don't live long enough.

Take care of yourself and let yourself grieve as long as you need to. Part of her will always be with you. You gave her a wonderful, happy life and somewhere out there she is still loving you.


Well-known member
I am terribly sorry for the loss of your kiki . It will get better with time. I lost my Casanova cat 2 years ago and I still miss him but it gets better.


Well-known member
This thread made me tear up!

I'm so very sorry to hear about your kitty. You sound like you were the greatest owner she could've ever had. Putting a pet down hurts! My parents decided to put down our family dog last year (she was very old, arthritic, blind, and in pain). They picked me up from my place on the way to the vet and I sat with her throughout the whole procedure. It's heartbreaking, because no matter how much you tell yourself that it's the right thing to do, you are still losing a close friend. For the longest time I felt a lot of guilt too... that it wasn't my choice to make for when my dog's life ended. But it makes it easier to deal with when you know your beloved friend is in a much better place.

As the days go by, it does get easier. You will always have the fond memories of Kiki. Don't rush the grieving process, it's completely natural and is an important part of the healing process.

My thoughts are with you *hugs*


Well-known member
I know exactly how you feel and I think you did the right thing to end her suffering. Pets are just like people to me and losing one can cause so much pain. I also know the Rainbow Bridge poem and every time i read it i tear up, but i think it does hold true. Your kitty was very lucky to have someone like you who cared for her. Try to think of only the good times because I know your kitty would want you to be happy when you think of her.


Well-known member
Aww...I know just what you're going through. I lost my baby exaclty a year ago this month. It is so hard. I didn't get to say goodbye either. But you know, Pets are gifts from God to enjoy and love and one day you will get to see her again. Hugs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
I am so sorry for your loss and my heart goes out to you.

I know from personal experience what it’s like to lose a fur-kid. It is one of the hardest things you will ever go through..

I know that right now it seems like you will never be the same, but you will. I don’t know you, but I promise, it WILL get easier over time.

Someone in an earlier post said to take your time through the grieving process and she’s absolutely right. Also, check for pet loss support groups in your area, they will help.


Hi... I don't want to intrude, but....

I just read your post, and I wanted to say how sorry I am about Kiki. Please don't listen to anyone who thinks feeling this way about a pet is silly. They really don't have any idea, and haven't experienced themselves just how wonderful -& how sweet - it is to have an animal as a special member of your family.

Remember how much you did to try & help, & then, you helped her to not be in any pain anymore, when it turned out that her physical condition wasn't going to get any better. I believe you absolutely did the only right thing.

The same thing happened to us last year with our sweet doggie Audrey. It's hard at first, but I promise - it does get better. I hope you'll try not to worry about not having been able to actually say "goodbye": Kiki felt that love in everything you did.

Take care, & give yourself time.
A fellow pet lover, Selkie


Well-known member
That is so sad and I teared up reading it! I love my cat more than anything and I completely know where you are coming from. Pets become a special member of our family and having to put them down is one of the hardest things to do. What you did is right in the end for your cat, she will no longer be suffering and I am sure she would thank you. I lost my cat a few years ago and it was the saddest thing so I can complettely relate.


Well-known member
Awww omg sweetie you gotta be strong. I am so sorry your kitty died. What I like to believe and also tell anyone who's in pain when their beloved cats die is, that your kitty is in cat heaven now, playing, purring, sleeping a lot and eating the best cat food and then one day, you'll see her again and you'll be together again.
It may sound silly to other people but it's been my way of coping with loss so far and I like to think all of our cats we've lost so far are there and playing with eachother and waiting for us.


Well-known member
*cries with you*

I don't have the words, and I know how badly that kind of pain feels. I am so, so, so sorry.


Well-known member
Oh man I was about to cry reading your post. *hugs* I totally understand how you feel. I hope you start to feel better soon.


Well-known member
*update* You guys are so great. I just got her ashes back a few days ago and I took it better than I thought. A sense of relief came over me instead of dread, which was surprising. I guess just having her 'back' in weird way made me feel better. It's been a little over a month since she passed and I still miss her immensely, but I do think of her fondly more often than being upset that she's gone.

We also adopted a kitten recently, and it's been wonderful having a feline in the house again. She has a LOT of the same qualities Kiki had as well as new ones that we love. I know they would have been amazing friends if Kiki were still around. Anyhow her name is Lady and she's a gorgeous calico

Again thanks so so much, honestly I would have been a wreck for so much longer if I didn't have your kind words. I would probably be very bitter over the situation if I were on my own, but thanks to you guys I've been able to view it from a more positive perspective and eventually became able to accept her death, and learned to celebrate her life.

to each and every one of you!!!