I don't know how to fix it


Well-known member
So this happens to me every 1-2 month and don't know how to "fix" it faster with school starting soon, what I'm talking about is sleep, I'd sleep during the day and do what ever at night, meaning I'd fall asleep at noon and wake up at 8pm and I'd miss meals for this, my favorite shows in general I'd miss the more exciting part of the day, I'm not a party person anymore. It would be a BIG help if you girls and guys could help me out because I hate it!

Thanks a bunch! Valerie

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Talk to a doctor if you've tried fixing it yourself. I'm not sure why you're doing that. Do you go to bed at night? Is there a reason why you sleep the hours you do? When you first go off track, it's rough getting on track, but it shouldn't take long for it to happen.


Well-known member
oh, i'm the same way.. except i've been that way as a child.. my entire life, waking up early and holding a normal schedule has been a problem for me.. My mom said that even when I was in her belly, I would stay awake all night kicking, and sleep all day.. i used to keep her up like crazy.. as a kid i was always late for school cause i couldnt wake up in the morning as i had stayed awake in my room all night.. My ideal day would be waking up around 4pm and staying up till 6am.... but I can't have it that way living on this side of the world!

I took a psychology class and learned that some people's bodies just have a way that they sleep and certain patterns that are just part of their biology.. and that no matter how hard they try, their body will just naturally want to sleep at a different time.. So what i did... was for a few weeks... I took a mild sleeping pill an hour before I wanted to go to sleep.. and then set my alarm to wake me up in the AM.... after a bit, this has made getting up in the AM easier.. I still am ready for a nap by noon.. i get off work at 4:30 and fight the urge to sleep.. and then by 10pm i'm soo tired.. if I stay up too much later than that, i get my second wind and wake back up... even on weekends, I have to get up early, cause all it takes is one day of sleeping in... and i'm back to staying up all night and sleeping all day...

It's still a struggle but the sleeping pills did make it easier to get into a bit of a pattern....


Well-known member
I have this problem for years and I have to take meds. Though, they don't really work if you don't have routine to keep you in the "bright side". Exercising in the right time is of great help, too.

The best thing I can advice is to talk to a professional in the area, because this problem can mess with your life student/professional life in the future.


Well-known member
To Beauty Mark: I don't like talking to doctors because it makes me feel uncomfortable, at the moment it's been like this for a week now and we had family in town so that sucked.

To Cinci: I've been like this as long as I can remember, I've always slept like a rock, I'm the kid that's hard to wake up, even when I was 10 my mom would wake me up still be half asleep says "ok" and go back to sleep and then wake up an hour later for real and my day would go on. Nowadays I hate it. And for some reason I can't swallow pills no matter what I do, rather I can't at all or end up vomiting.

laperle: Like my up there ^^ I can't take pills, and it did mess up my school life for a bit and my friends would ask me why I wouldn't be there and wouldn't understand.


Active member
Oh man tell me about it. i think i must have chronic fatigue syndrome or something, although it could be the anti-depressants i take. i'm ALWAYS tired and ALWAYS want to nap. i've been very bad lately, i come home from work and sleep from like 5 to 8, stay up for a while, then go to bed at 2. AND because i live two blocks from my work i go home during lunch and nap :/

i'm going to be taking evening classes soon, so i hope that will force me to get on a better sleeping schedule.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ellenchristine
i live two blocks from my work i go home during lunch and nap

Oh I'm bad for that.. i started in college.. keeping a blanket and pillow in my car.. and going to take naps between classes in my car..... and then once I was working at the college for the summer... i would nap on my lunch break...

so far I have held off doing that now that I working at a new job.. This job is a "real" job and it's a smaller parking lot and i'd be mortified if one of my co workers found me...

Val-x: maybe you could find something in liquid form?


Well-known member
Wow, that sucks. I have some pretty bad issues with sleep as well, but not like that. Usually I just won't sleep at all, not even during the day. Sometimes I'll go days without sleep. I'll be exhausted and try to take a nap but can't because my mind is going a thousand miles a minute.

I know this sounds so stupid, but have you tried during these periods to get out of the house and away from any place you can sleep until the evening. You will be miserable for a day, but maybe you'll be able to go to sleep that night and then start a regular cycle again.

I don't really know how to help but I do wish you luck. Sleeping issues suck and I hope you find the answer. I'm sorry this is happening!


Well-known member
all I can say is work hard if you really want to be successful..
in this case, work hard not to fall asleep during the day.. do something.. cook, go somewhere to resist the temptation of daysleeping. If you still can't sleep the night after, it's fine.. but don't sleep the day after either.. and when you haven't slept for two days, you will eventually get tired and sleep at night..

do that a couple of times.. It happened to me before and I fixed it that way

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Even if you don't like doctors, you should find one eventually that you like or at least respect somewhat. Your health is very important and sleep will affect you in all sorts of ways.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
Even if you don't like doctors, you should find one eventually that you like or at least respect somewhat. Your health is very important and sleep will affect you in all sorts of ways.


There are doctors specialized in sleeping issues. This is important for you, sweetie.


Well-known member
I have problems with sleeping too... and I'm always tired, it doesnt matter if I sleep 8 hours or 16.. i'm going to the doctor soon, I hope it helps because I'm going to college in 3 weeks. It sucks, I used to sleep so well, now I go to bed and I just cant stop thinking about random things, then I get nervous because I cant sleep, and suddenly its 5.a.m. it sucks really. I know a lot of people who *instantly* fall asleep when they go to bed. I wish!!

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
That's probably the smartest thing to do. There are so many things that can affect your sleep that it's best to consult with a good doctor.


Well-known member
My mom called to say try hot chocolate as it soothes, and calms you down so I'm going to try that tonight.