I don't know what to do about my make-up


Well-known member
I just called Bon-Ton today to reserve a moisturizer. And I got terrible news.....

My Lancome SA quit!

Background story:

My town has 1 store with DS makeup and that's Bon-ton. It has four counters. Lancome, Elizabeth Arden, Estee Lauder, and Clinique. I only like Lancome out of those 4. When I first started shopping there, I met Joy and then Sheila. They were amazing. But The EL SA is a bitch and the EA SA is her minion. They attacked Joy til she finally quit. Then they focused thereselves onto Sheila and I found out she just quit. Its complicated but thats the base story.

Idk what to do know. I don't think anyones working at the counter at the moment. I would apply there but I'm only 16. Which I don't understand because I could run that counter fine. But what have you guys done when you've lost a loved SA.


Well-known member

You could buy online?
I don't know, this story sounds a little like the ''mean girls'' movie.
Overtime, they probably will change their attitudes towards you


Well-known member
I don't think it's as much that they don't like me as they aren't as helpful. Like sheila would hold out products for me until like the next sale. But They won't even hold things til the end of the day. Its very frustrating.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Robby_Raynebow

My Lancome SA quit!

But what have you guys done when you've lost a loved SA.

I've never had this problem because I do all my makeup shopping online, and my suggestion is that you do the same.
At least until another sales associate is hired at your counter.
Yes, there are drawbacks to shopping online for makeup; the primary one is that you can't actually see or test the items before purchasing them.
But if you know your favorite line well, and it sounds like you do, you should have a pretty good idea what will work for you and what won't, and should have good success ordering online.
And then there are shipping charges, but if you get to be a regular customer of an online store and sign up for its e-mail, you'll probably get free ship codes pretty often.
It's not a perfect solution, by any means, but it beats going without your makeup.

The only other idea I can think of offhand is to recruit a friend or family member who lives in a different area to do your shopping for you, and send you the goodies.


Well-known member
I guess I have never had this problem...I love my MA ...however if he is not there when I go in I allow someone else to help me...I would never stop buying the items i use because my MA no longer was employed there for whatever reason. But I guess like others have mentioned if this is a problem...Shop online? I normally never ask my MA to hold stuff anyway...I go when I am ready to buy it..a lot of stores do not hold stuff if they are LE or in high demand

Maybe you could call the Corporate office and complain if you feel you are treated less than equal to other customers.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Robby_Raynebow
Like sheila would hold out products for me until like the next sale. But They won't even hold things til the end of the day. Its very frustrating.

Do you think it would do any good to complain to the store management?
Employees who are making it difficult or unpleasant for customers to buy aren't likely to be deemed too valuable, especially in the current economic climate.
Sending a letter might be most effective.
I'm sure some of us Specktra-ites could help you write it!

I'm not suggesting that you try to get these people fired; maybe they just need a little "talking to" by a higher-up, or closer supervision.


Well-known member
Thanks everyone for there suggestions. =) I wish I had family in other areas, but everyone lives here that we have contact with.

The problem with the letter writing is that the General Manager is best friends with the EL woman. None of the people have made it diffucult for me to shop there but some of them are rude. When Sheila or Joy were there I would stop in, try a few things, we'd play with shadow combo's, I'd buy my stuff and leave. It was a pleasant experiance. I'll miss it. I'm hoping that they get my friend who works at Sally's to take the job.


Well-known member
Ehgghhh I know all about rude MA experiences. I just buy online now because I was so tired of being ignored/insulted. Sorry to hear your favourite SA quit ;(


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Robby_Raynebow

None of the people have made it diffucult for me to shop there but some of them are rude.

If a sales associate has treated you rudely, that is a very valid reason to complain, at least in my opinion.
You can be delicate about it.
You don't have to say, "That witch Evilla that some idiot hired is not only uglier than the backside of a camel with dysentery, she's got an attitude to match. I think she needs surgery to remove the stick up her behind. She should be fired immediately."

Instead you could say something like, "The last few times I attempted to shop at Evilla's counter, her manner was less than welcoming. This made my shopping experience unpleasant, and now I hesitate to shop at that counter as often as I have in the past. Perhaps she would benefit from some additional training in dealing with customers."


Well-known member
One of my most favorite MAs left MAC a few years ago to work for a jewelery chain in the Seattle area and I was so sad. I had purchased MAC from her for such a long time and she always made me feel so good, saved postcards for me, called me for events or if there were products she thought I would like. I only wish that I could have said good-bye to her and thank you for all the years of great customer service.

I obviously still go to MAC and it just took me sometime to find another MA that I felt really comfortable with. I would just keep going to the counter and maybe you will end up really liking one of the other MAs.