I don't know what to do.


Well-known member
For the second time this year, I like a guy in a serious relationship. I've already broken up one couple of a year and a half (unintentionally), and now I feel like I'm gunning for another one.

They've been together on and off for almost a year, and she's two years older and in university. She goes to school three hours away. I don't want to like him, but it's hard to stop feeling something.

He looks at me out of the corner of his eye and flirts with me all the time.. But I doubt that I could break them up even if I tried. I'm not sure if I do this as a power trip, out of insecurity, or if I actually like these guys.

Anyone have any advice for me in this situation?


Move on. Too many fish in the sea to have to assume the role of a homewrecker. Believe me, you don't want that to come back to haunt you. I know it's hard when you really feel a connection with someone, but in the end, nothing good can come out of this. If he's willing to cheat on his girl with you, he'll just as quickly cheat on you. You DON'T want something like that. Stand tall, be a strong woman, hold your head up high, and move on.


Well-known member
My friend was in a similar situation and I'd strongly advise to stay away. How do you know he won't cheat on you since he's willing to do it on his gf now. There will always be uncertainty.


Well-known member
Move on you would not like it if your own boyfriend will do that to you.Remember Karma Karma Karma always gets you.


Well-known member
If he's truly unhappy with his girlfriend and is a respectable or honest person (or at least someone who I would personally want to date) he would break up with his current girlfriend out of his own discontent with his relationship and especially before starting anything with someone else.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by frocher
Walk away. Any man that would cheat on someone he is committed to is not a man worth having.


And, karma might bite you in the ass sometime. The drama aint worth it, believe me.