I Got A New Camera! :)


Well-known member
I don't post that many FOTD's, mainly because I don't have a camera.. I lost mine about a year ago .. almost. About 10 months without a camera!! So I finally got a fushia-red one. It's gorgeous!! I'm still trying to figure out the functions and stuff.. it's a little too high-tech for me.

So basically, I had two malfunctions.. the first one was because the camera ran out of memory (it was 8MB per pic) so I kept snapping pictures and nothing was getting saved...didn't realize it til i was done being camera-happy. ahhaha. THEN, I tried to upload them and.. another malfunction. I removed the memory stick from my laptop before everything was transfered.... so, I ended up with like 10 pics only from the ones to choose from. So I had a lot of better pics than these, but eh, the FOTD must go on!

WARNING: My eyebrows look funny and I've got bad skin right now.. got finals this week! ):


[pic w/ flash] See the huge pimple in the middle of my forehead?? if you can't see it, it's in the last pic more clearly. and look at my right eyebrow (so left on your screen)! lolllllll it's spiked up. sexy, i know.


[ w/flash ] and now it's gone! muhahah!


[ w/o flash ]


[ w/o flash ] see it now? it's probably reduced in this pic. it's most worst in person. finals, finals, finals. STRESSED!!!

[ FACE ]
- EM in golden medium
- EM concealor in intensive medium
- SilkNaturals perfecting powder
- Physician's Formula Malibu Strip
- Rimmel's Rose blush

[ EYES ]
- MAC chartru paint
- MAC Llama e/s
- MAC Nocturnelle e/s
- SN Nekkid e/s (MAC Naked Lunch Dupe)
- SN Charred e/s (MAC Juxt Dupe)
- ELF's Dusk e/s
- CG lash exact mascara

[ LIPS ]
- MAC's Tender Baby Tendertone
- SN's Ashley l/g
- MAC's Fresh Brew

Since I have my camera back, I can do FOTD's again! yay! So I'll definitely be more active once finals are over!
Please, any CC is welcomed!

I was also wondering if you guys like bigger pictures or the smaller one. The big one is 640x320, and I think the smaller ones is 320x240.

Sorry this post is so long.. too much reading!


Well-known member
Aww, thank you ladies, you guys are awesome!!

Originally Posted by Baby Mac
looks good! You have the best lips and teeth ive ever seen!

oh no hun, you haven't seen my bottom teeth, it's SUPER crooked. haha. sigh, and i already had braces, now i'm going to have to get them again! but thank you for the comment


Well-known member
Originally Posted by XShear
Lovely smile! Finals are crappy, but once they are over ...

tell me about it! lol, as once they are over... i'm hitting up the nearest MAC store to reward myself! lol.