I haven't gotten a raise yet :\


Well-known member
I work in retail and i got promoted as a shift leader and was evaluated...it went pretty good. But its been a lil over two months and i STILL havent gotten my raise. I only get paid $7.50...i know its very little money...i keep asking my manager about my raise...like when im going to get it and she said that the big guys (the bosses of our company) still havent gotten back to her yet. i mean i dont even know how big of a raise im going to get, for all i know it could just be a 15-25 cent raise. Im really ticked because I dont feel that she's even trying. I dont think she has called them to ask what the hell is going on. I feel that i shouldnt have to keep asking her about this she should know that if someone is being promoted they should get their raise as soon as possible. She's lucky that im still sticking with the store having to do paper work...opening and closing the store.

I mean is it suppose to take more than two months for me to get my raise??


Well-known member
oh hon ...I feel for you. You should try to ask her one more time and if she gives you the same answer tell her you're going to make some calls yourself and find out or send out an email. Say this politely but firmly and see what she says. This is a serious matter especially to you. So handle it seriously and goodluck. =)

Oh and by the way, I work for retail too and it sucks. It takes that long because they'd rather have you taking responsibility without getting paid for it. I suggest if she thinks you're bluffing email your HR department or payroll department or your district manager. Email is so much better because you can print it out and keep it for your records. I don't know how old you are or if this if your first job so I might sound motherly right about now
..make sure anyone you speak to about anything that is important use EMAIL, write names down. It will help you in the long run.


Well-known member
awwwwwwwwe... you should call her again... Bother her until you get it grl.. lol. I worked at this place for over a year already.. i was like i wonder when im going to get a raise... i work there like 3 or 4 months before this lady right? months later.. my boss hubby comes in and say yall both getting a raise.. im like ok i finally got a raise, but is it fair that she got a raise the same time like me too you know.. oh well... like couple weeks ago, i got another raise, and i asked the co worker did you get it? she say she didnt... she say you got it because you work REALLY hard. started at 7, and now I get pay 8 dollars. cant wait until i get licensed man... new job..


Well-known member
yeah i just found out that one of my co-workers said that she was going through the same thing as me and that our manager never sent out the request for her to get a raise and she was waiting for a year...when she finally asked the district manager...he told her that he never got her evaluation from our manager soooo she left haha. But yeah i am def. going to talk to the district manager about it...if i found out that he never got my evaluation or request then i am soooo going to be pissed and quit! but leave in good terms though b/c it is my first job. hehe