I just had an awkward moment...


Well-known member
so, i went to the potty here at work and it's a public potty that the office building uses. There's 3 stalls in the restroom and i was in the last one and there was another lady in the stall next to me. The lady next to me sneezes and says excuse me and I go, bless you..............................and she just walks out. LOL I dunno if I scared her, she's an atheist, or she was just plain rude! LOL....do you say bless you when you're in the restroom and someone sneezes? I felt a little weird afterwards, like, should I have stayed quiet?

Maybe when someone farts, I'll say bless you


Well-known member
I don't think you did anything wrong maybe she was just rude. I have said bless plenty of times in the rest room.


Well-known member
LOL hell no, that isn't a wrong thing to do. There's always those people that don't say thank you to being blessed


Well-known member
I don't think you did anything wrong. Maybe she's not a bathroom talker? I just hope she washed her hands! lol


Well-known member
I had a rude english teacher in HS and he never said thank you. My class called him out on it and he was told saying Thank You after a sneeze was bad luck. He was just an ass tho.


Well-known member
Maybe when she sneezed, she did fart, and thought you said "EXCUSE you," then took off quick style.



Well-known member
I don't think you did anything wrong, but a lot of people are weirded out by being spoken to while in the bathroom stall. I personally don't like carrying on a conversation while I'm doing my thing
, although I don't think its a big deal that you said bless you. And if she was uncomfortable with it, I don't think it was a big deal that she didn't respond. Different strokes for different folks. (P.S. I can't believe I just used that phrase)


Well-known member
LOL i would've done the same thing, i always say bless you when someone sneezes - there's nothing wrong with that..


Well-known member
Where I'm from (central Canada), we don't really say "thank you" after someone says "bless you". I just asked my mom because she's in the room, and she agreed with me. I wouldnt find your situation out the ordinary at all. Some people and some cultures are just different.

Also, do people call restrooms or washrooms a potty where you're from? To me, a potty is a toilet training device, a miniature toilet for children. Or a word children use that means toilet. Language variation is interesting to me, so I was just wondering.


Well-known member
Eh, if she was offended or anything she needs to just chill out. I'm an atheist, for cryin out loud, and I thank people who bless me when I sneeze, as well as say "bless you" when others sneeze. It's just being polite.


Well-known member
Here in Utah, no one even says "bless you" if someone sneezes - they just say nothing, which is weird b/c growing up in the east, we said something - gesundheit, bless you, god bless, anything! lol. So I have trained my husband who grew up out here to say bless you. It's just weird b/c it's not like they are unaware of the practice, they just don't do it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by breechan
Where I'm from (central Canada), we don't really say "thank you" after someone says "bless you". I just asked my mom because she's in the room, and she agreed with me. I wouldnt find your situation out the ordinary at all. Some people and some cultures are just different.

I'm born and raised in central Canada too, and I've experienced the opposite. the people who don't say thank you are in the minority.

Lived in different places, the big city, small town, and the people I work with/surround myself with just are nice people. If I hear someone say bless you, I always say thank you. And I say bless you to my coworkers and they say thank you/acknowledge it.

To Evey--I think you did absolutely nothing wrong. Lady may just not have heard or been rude. There are people like that out there. But keep being nice, you!!