I lost my cat!


Well-known member
I lost my cat, Snickers, two days ago! He's an indoor cat so he's neutered, no claws and no collar so I'm really afraid about him dying in the woods!! Any advice to help me find him?!!


Active member
I am so sorry! Please don't worry so much though, I used to have a cat that went off for a week and he was always ok!

I know you're concerned because your kitty is an indoor kitty but I genuinely think he will be a lot tougher than you think.

Our local newspaper has a section for cats that have went missing and if anyone has seen a cat that matches the description of one in the paper they phone the contact number, do you have a paper that has something like that? You could get them to add a description of your kitty to it.

Please let us know what happens, big hugs to you



Well-known member
Call local shelters to see if anyone's found him. Soem will put his pic on their web site for you. Put up flyers w/ his pic. Canvas the neighborhood, and ask neighbors if they've seen him.


Well-known member
Yikes...I hope kitty gets home safe. Try not to worry...I had a kitten disappear once for an entire winter..and indoor cat. I was sure he'd get eaten by a coyote or freeze, but sure enough 6 months later he came home!


Well-known member
Aw! Poor kitty..hopefully he will come home soon! Just take everyone's good advice and call the animal shelter and put posters up and such. Even go around in your neighborhood and ask people if they have seen your kitty. Someone may have just taken him in!


Well-known member
One more happy ending story: My cat I had when I was growing up, Skeeter, this GORGEOUS maine coon, disappeared for over three months and she was like 16 so we figured she went off and went to sleep somewhere. We were on vacation and got a call from the guy who was housesitting saying our cat was back and that the NEIGHBORS had had her because they thought she was a stray kitten?!?! She was SIXTEEN she didn't look at all like a kitten! But she was a total sweetheart....


Well-known member
Wow! Yeah, mine's a Maine Coon too... they're such a sweet breed! I didn't used to like cats much before I got him but I love kitties!


Well-known member
Only thing I could add here is try leaving some of his favorite food outside where he can come get it.

Also, am I assuming correctly you've tried driving or walking around the neighborhood and calling him? He's probabaly scared, so if you try it in the evening when there's less activity, he would probably recognize your voice and come out of higing :)

I had a cat that disappeared for a week and ended up at someone's house about 10 blocks away, mewing and pushing her paw through the mail slot to get someone's attention! She had a collar, so the people could call us. So if your cat doesn't have a collar or microchip, be sure to post those photos around and a description in the paper, both with your phone number, so whomever finds him can gfet in touch with you.

Please keep us posted.


Well-known member
Sometimes cats just like to run off for a little while. My friend's cat just came home after being gone for a week or so. I know you can't help but be worried, but try to keep your hopes up!


Well-known member
aww, i have a maine coon, too! she thinks she's a princess. i hope you've found your kitty. if you give him treats, you might try shaking the treat bag when you're walking/driving around looking for him.


Well-known member
He hasn't come home yet
We did recently adopt another kitty though, she's really cute! My mom had resorted to psychics to find him, lol.


This is Marissa!


This is my puppy, Summer!


And this is the wonderful Snickers

10000000 bonus points if you notice the name connection between my two newest pets.


Well-known member
You poor thing, my kitty went missing for a while a few years ago as a kitten, and every day from uni I was like a kid: "Is he home yet?". Then one day, he turned up. I do so hope you find him, he looks lovely. Let us know if you do get him back!


Well-known member
poor snickers..i hope he shows up! But Marissa is SOOOO cute!!!! she is the fluffiest kitty i've ever seen!...and summer aww..i love puppy breath lol


Active member
Oh I hope you find your cat I'm so sorry about your cat.I personally love cats and couldn't imagine life without Milli