I need advice..


Well-known member
Hi ladies and gents!
I have been MIA because my house suffered water damage around the 4th of september, and tonight is my first night back.

Well, here is where I need advice. I have already cried my eyes out over this and don't know what to do, or what I can legally do.

I come home to fix my house and notice that A LOT of my makeup is missing. I have so much makeup, but I know everything that I have. Well the missing items mount up to $445 and what sucks is alot of it was limited edition items.

I believe the people who were here all month fixing my house are responsible as NO ONE else has been allowed in.

What can I do? Besides filing a claim, I mean is there any effin guarantee that I will get my stuff back? I don't even want their money, most of this cant be replaced, I want my stuff. And its weird that the fact that the people working here were all males.

2 days ago I came to pick up a shirt while they were working in here, and I saw my BNIB Soft wave lipgloss, well I came to look and it was gone.

I don't know what to do. I am so frustrated, first with them taking forever to fix the damn place (we stayed at my in laws since we couldn't live here till they're done) and now this.

If anyone has any advice, I would truly appreciate it.


Well-known member
I am really sorry to hear about your upsetting discovery.

You must file a claim and you should really phone up the insurance company or whoever has employed these people and just cry while your on the phone.
Make a list of everything that you know is missing as you will be looking for monetary compensation.

They should be very upset to hear that items have been stolen from your house by people they have employed.

Unfortunately - these items are gone and even if you could have them back, you couldn't guarantee that they hadnt been used or even worse!!! So you probably wont want them back anyway - they are gone forever.

So cry and let it all out - you have had your trust completely broken and have a right to grieve in a big way. You have been robbed, had your precious possessions taken and really nobody has the right to do that to anybody - you have every right to feel a little broken hearted. And worse, they have done this from the safety of your home.

I am really sorry to hear of this - wishing you all the best and sending you hugs from here in Warrington.



Well-known member
I am so sorry that it happened to you, I'd cry my heart out too
You need to call whoever employed these people and claim your stuff/money back, don't let this go, cry and screem on the phone if you need to!

I really hope you will have your money back at least!

What is WRONG with people? Do they think you wouldnt notice or what???


Well-known member
Thats just horrible that people could do that. I would file a complain with the people who employs them!!!


Well-known member
I am so sorry that this has happened to you! Some people are just terrible. Make a list of everything you know you lost and place the paid price and what you think that it was worth when stolen. Be sure to file a claim with the insurance company for monetary compensation. You sadly are very unlikely to get your stuff back at this point, but you can get monetary compesation at least. I know that it doesn't make up for the LE items lost; but you could always buy new makeup with it.


Well-known member
This is Horrible....I would be so upset as well...I watched the people working on my house steal my son's bike I was at the light and was freaking out....I immediately called the owner of the company and let him I know what I saw and how pissed I was...he paid me for the bike and didnt charge me for the work..I know this is different in your case because you want your things back...I am not sure if you will be able to get them because most thieves will DENY DENY until forever and to give them back would mean admitting they stole them...But I would 100% call and complain....I surely hope you get your mu back ....


Well-known member
That is terrible. I've known people to steal from me (or try), ever since I was a kid. Gel pens, money, etc. When I was in high school, some girls would go into the locker rooms and pull on all the locks to see if any of them would open. This happened to me once since I had a crappy lock and they took all of my money, but left everything else, including my ipod.

The economy gives people more reason to steal, but there are lowlives that would steal regardless. Instead of sacrificing themselves, they let other people suffer their hard-earned money for it. I hope they believe your claim and you at least get your money back. In the future, I'd get a fire and waterproof safe to keep my valuables in and take my make up with me if anyone I didn't trust was going to be around when I'm not. Unlike jewelry and stuff, make up melts...


Well-known member
Thanks everyone, Im just so upset, and so I dunno angry. I opened the lock box they had at my door to take the key out (cus since we moved back I don't want them storming into my house) well.. its a brand new duplicate. Seriously, I know my keys and this one is brand spanking new dupe. I talked to my in laws (the home owners) and we're gonna change our locks. They told me they would "see" what could be done about my makeup and that they would talk about it with their adjustor. WTF. I feel Im the only one who cares and is affected by this directly. I mean, I don't want to "see" what they will say, they effin stole my makeup and I want them to be held responsible. They freaking dented the wall, they broke some of our portrait, scratched some pictures, they stuffed a bunch of random shit in my freaking expensive L.A.M.B purse, I mean WTF. They destroyed more than they repaired.

Im so livid, honestly in my right mind I wouldnt say this to anyone or ever wish it, but I do wish the worst things happen to them. Crap I want to freaking choke em myself.

Im just so confused and upset right now


Well-known member
You need to call the owner of the company, at the very least their insurance company should pay for this damage. Take pictures of everything, the L.A.M.B. bag stuffed full of crap, the ding in the wall, EVERYTHING. Documentation is key here. I had some makeup and jewelry stolen by people working on a house I was renting when I was away on my honeymoon by people who were "working" on the house. It sucks, but you will probably never see your items again, and I'm sorry for your loss and for the horrible way you are feeling right now. I would also make note that the company has your original key in the insurance claim, it makes them seem very shifty, possibly file a complaint with the BBB. I'm crossing my fingers for you, and I'll be sending good vibes your way! Good luck hun!


Well-known member
^^ITA - photograph everything. The more stuff you can show against them, the more likely the company owner or insurance company will take your complaint seriously. Good luck and I hope you get some resolution soon.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ruby_Woo
Thanks everyone, Im just so upset, and so I dunno angry. I opened the lock box they had at my door to take the key out (cus since we moved back I don't want them storming into my house) well.. its a brand new duplicate. Seriously, I know my keys and this one is brand spanking new dupe. I talked to my in laws (the home owners) and we're gonna change our locks. They told me they would "see" what could be done about my makeup and that they would talk about it with their adjustor. WTF. I feel Im the only one who cares and is affected by this directly. I mean, I don't want to "see" what they will say, they effin stole my makeup and I want them to be held responsible. They freaking dented the wall, they broke some of our portrait, scratched some pictures, they stuffed a bunch of random shit in my freaking expensive L.A.M.B purse, I mean WTF. They destroyed more than they repaired.

Im so livid, honestly in my right mind I wouldnt say this to anyone or ever wish it, but I do wish the worst things happen to them. Crap I want to freaking choke em myself.

Im just so confused and upset right now

im so sorry

but yeah photograph everything that was damaged and write down everything that was stolen and report it to the company.Workers are so damn shady these days that they need to be on watch 24/7... Im sorry that you lost all your LE make up to such low lifes

please keep us updated


Well-known member
Thinking about this - if you are just going to get fobbed off I would really get the police involved also and make on official complaint. There might not be anything they do but at least the theives are going to feel some heat from it and realise that they came close to being caught this time.

I think you might need a police number anyway to claim from whoever - also my other half says you need to put a complaint in writing and send it recorded/signed for delivery as they cannot ignore written complaints.

You have nothing to lose at all - although you are probably feeling a bit upset and wounded at the moment - but what they have done is broken the law and is also immoral - so if you can find the strength to pursue it further do - and if you dont get a good response from anybody in the chain - keep looking to the next notch up.

Definately file a robery report with the police and ask them to investigate - it doesn't really take a genius to work out who has been employed to work in the house - and DO get those locks changed ASAP and make sure you mention that they have copied your keys also as that is definately a criminal offence.

There truly are some real scumbags out there...


Well-known member
They copied your key without telling you? And now they have a key to your house? Whaaat? That's definitely something you need to file complaints about; nobody should have keys to your house after they're done working on it! I'd think its illegal to copy keys and keep a copy when you no longer need access to the house...


Well-known member
Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry to hear about this.
You must be going through such a tough time. Yea you should file a claim with the police department and see what they can do for you. You should also call up the company that these workers are employed with and complain the hell out of them. Who knows cuz maybe they've done this in other people's homes and with your complaint, maybe the manager of the company will actually do something. Good luck!! I hope things get better for you.


Well-known member
I am so sorry to hear about that.
I can't even imagine.. I'd be livid. Change those locks and get in everyone's ear about it.