I need all the help I can get


Well-known member
So, I used to have really clear skin - to the point where I didn't break out (only the monthly one that happens). Then I tried proactiv and my skin is completely killed... I went from this:




To this:




It started with cystic acne between my brows, nose and scattered around my face - to the point where it hurt to smile (and I smile a lot! Very painful!). And now to this, still some cystic acne along with white heads. I never had a problem with cystic acne before. I've had my face like this for about 4 months now. My family is just shocked completely. My friends who I haven't seen in a few months since we recently moved and I take my classes online now, were shocked when they saw my face when we were chatting on web cam together. To the point where my best friend said "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE?!"

My acne is starting to affect my self esteem now. I will be attending classes in a community college in February and I don't think I can go with my face looking as it is since it makes me so uncomfortable. Not even make up can cover it up (I've tried).

So far, I've tried a good amount of products and none have done anything.

Ive used:
Mario Badescu drying cream (received a sample from MB, didn't work for me)
10% Sulfur Ointment
Clean & Clear acne system
Persagel 10%

I'm running out of options.

Currently my skin routine is Shiseido Pureness Deep Cleansing foam, Witch hazel, Aveno moisturizer, 10% sulfur ointment.

My skin is peeling like crazy too, especially my nose and now my cheeks.

I need recommendations from my fellow specktralites. I don't know what to do anymore. I don't think my mom has the money to shell out for a dematologist right now.

I also would like to add that I'm 16. Help me

Also, if I posted this in the wrong section, please move it to the correct one. :p



Well-known member
Allllllllllllrighty, heres what I think we need to know, to help ya:

1. Are you currently on any hormone medication, birth control, etc.? I don't ask to be nosey but hormones are a huuuuuge factor in acne.

2. Have you been tested for allergies at all? You could have had an allergic reaction to Proactiv

3. Have you considered going to a dermatologist?

4. What is your skin type prior to breaking out? Was it normal, dry, oily or what?

Sorry to be so invasive, I've just been there and want to try to help.


Well-known member
I think your current routine may be too much. I'd for sure drop the witch hazel and try a non-foaming cleaners (cetaphil, cerave, Eucerin). The part on your inner cheeks looks like irritation from something you are using.


How long did you use proactive??


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AmiS4ys
Allllllllllllrighty, heres what I think we need to know, to help ya:

1. Are you currently on any hormone medication, birth control, etc.? I don't ask to be nosey but hormones are a huuuuuge factor in acne.

2. Have you been tested for allergies at all? You could have had an allergic reaction to Proactiv

3. Have you considered going to a dermatologist?

4. What is your skin type prior to breaking out? Was it normal, dry, oily or what?

Sorry to be so invasive, I've just been there and want to try to help.

It's okay. I'm a very open person

1. no
2. I'm allergic to sulfa & silver, not sure if any of that is in proactiv.
3. not yet
4. I had oily skin
Originally Posted by n_c
I think your current routine may be too much. I'd for sure drop the witch hazel and try a non-foaming cleaners (cetaphil, cerave, Eucerin). The part on your inner cheeks looks like irritation from something you are using.


How long did you use proactive??

Don't I need to use a toner though? Or do you have any recs for toners. I'll take a look at the cleansers

I used proactiv for 2 days (once a day, at night) D:



Well-known member
You need to go to a dermatologist as soon as you can. When your skin changes really suddenly like that, something's up --- a doc can help you a lot faster and more thoroughly than we can.

I feel your pain --- I had problem skin all through my teens, including cystic acne which hurt like hell. Felt like someone was stabbing me each time I moved my face. My skin is also ridiculously sensitive.

I haven't had cystic acne for years, except when I overused the Neutrogena microdermabrasion thing. A few erupted when I used it the recommended amount. Now I have to limit it to once a month!

Amazon.com: Neutrogena Advanced Solutions At Home MicroDermabrasion System: Health & Personal Care

I wanted to tell you, though, that although your skin is different and you're having issues, it doesn't look as bad as you think. I know I was always more conscious of my skin problems when I had cystic acne because you can NEVER stop thinking about it --- your face hurts every time you move!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nubletta
Don't I need to use a toner though? Or do you have any recs for toners. I'll take a look at the cleansers

I used proactiv for 2 days (once a day, at night) D:


I don't have a rec for toner as I don't use one (alcohol based). I do use Avene's thermal spring water in place, I guess that could be considered one...very mild though (does wonders for redness). Now that you said you only used proactiv 2 days, it doesn't seem right, I agree with the post above, try and see a derm and keep us posted


Well-known member
I currently have very oily skin and if you're willing to spend some money, I purchase Lush items which are fresh, non-processed ingredients (most of it). My regime is as follows:

Coalface Cleanser
Tea Tree Water Toner
(Non-Lush but whatever) Yes to Tomatoes Facial Lotion

and twice a week, I use Ocean Salt Scrub for exfoliation.

I suggest the Tea Tree Water toner, if nothing else from that list. It contains NO alcohol, which can further irritation. Tea Tree oil in general also helps to decrease inflammation which will definitely help with the redness. I think the Witch Hazel is making your cysts much more inflamed than they should be.

In the end however, a dermatologist is always the best route to go, and can also prescribe medication for you as well.


Well-known member
often times over-drying eruption-prone skin can have the opposite effect of what we want. I'd ease up on the amount of products (I know its hard you just want it to go away NOW so you put everything on it you can get your hands on) cystic acne is also often related to a poor diet.....our skin really is a reflection of our over all health - of course puberty, pregnancy, menstrual cycles, etc. are the exceptions -
and you probably don't need me to tell you, but I'm going to say it....keep your hands off it!!! =D good luck, hon and I promise it will pass


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Meisje
You need to go to a dermatologist as soon as you can. When your skin changes really suddenly like that, something's up --- a doc can help you a lot faster and more thoroughly than we can.

I feel your pain --- I had problem skin all through my teens, including cystic acne which hurt like hell. Felt like someone was stabbing me each time I moved my face. My skin is also ridiculously sensitive.

I haven't had cystic acne for years, except when I overused the Neutrogena microdermabrasion thing. A few erupted when I used it the recommended amount. Now I have to limit it to once a month!

Amazon.com: Neutrogena Advanced Solutions At Home MicroDermabrasion System: Health & Personal Care

I wanted to tell you, though, that although your skin is different and you're having issues, it doesn't look as bad as you think. I know I was always more conscious of my skin problems when I had cystic acne because you can NEVER stop thinking about it --- your face hurts every time you move!

Originally Posted by n_c
I don't have a rec for toner as I don't use one (alcohol based). I do use Avene's thermal spring water in place, I guess that could be considered one...very mild though (does wonders for redness). Now that you said you only used proactiv 2 days, it doesn't seem right, I agree with the post above, try and see a derm and keep us posted

I just asked my mom about going to the derm, she said she has to take me to the doctor so then I can get referred out to the derm.

Originally Posted by AmiS4ys
I currently have very oily skin and if you're willing to spend some money, I purchase Lush items which are fresh, non-processed ingredients (most of it). My regime is as follows:

Coalface Cleanser
Tea Tree Water Toner
(Non-Lush but whatever) Yes to Tomatoes Facial Lotion

and twice a week, I use Ocean Salt Scrub for exfoliation.

I suggest the Tea Tree Water toner, if nothing else from that list. It contains NO alcohol, which can further irritation. Tea Tree oil in general also helps to decrease inflammation which will definitely help with the redness. I think the Witch Hazel is making your cysts much more inflamed than they should be.

In the end however, a dermatologist is always the best route to go, and can also prescribe medication for you as well.

I don't mind spending a lot on products for skin care since skin care is pretty essential. I've always been tempted to try the Tea Tree Toner, or anything by Lush for that matter since I've never been to Lush (gasp!)

I just noticed that my witch hazel has 100% witch hazel and 14% alcohol. Probably would be a good idea to switch my toner...
Originally Posted by Skin*Deep
often times over-drying eruption-prone skin can have the opposite effect of what we want. I'd ease up on the amount of products (I know its hard you just want it to go away NOW so you put everything on it you can get your hands on) cystic acne is also often related to a poor diet.....our skin really is a reflection of our over all health - of course puberty, pregnancy, menstrual cycles, etc. are the exceptions -
and you probably don't need me to tell you, but I'm going to say it....keep your hands off it!!! =D good luck, hon and I promise it will pass

I forgot to mention that I didn't try all of those products at once, I used them about a week each (probably 2 with the persagel, it's a nightmare since it kept staining my bed sheets!)

Thanks everyone.


Well-known member
Like most here, I recommend going to the dermatologist before anything because they can help pinpoint out what the cause might be, and probably save you money in the end that would have been wasted on products that aren't targeting what the cause of your acne is.

I'm glad that you are probably going to and I hope you find something that helps.


Well-known member
Yep, I agree with the dermatologist recommendation. I started getting severe cystic acne when I was 14 and it didn't start to go away until I was about 17-18. I will warn you that going to the dermatologist when you have acne like this can be super frustrating, but don't get discouraged! It took me four years of different medications to work up to one that would work for me (birth control). Some of the medications even made my skin a lot worse. You have to work up the scale and harshness of meds (topical and ingestable) slowly, or your skin will dry out too much. But, it is totally worth it to get rid of the acne! (This isn't meant to scare you, it is just a word of warning that you have to be patient


Well-known member
Originally Posted by gildedangel
Yep, I agree with the dermatologist recommendation. I started getting severe cystic acne when I was 14 and it didn't start to go away until I was about 17-18. I will warn you that going to the dermatologist when you have acne like this can be super frustrating, but don't get discouraged! It took me four years of different medications to work up to one that would work for me (birth control). Some of the medications even made my skin a lot worse. You have to work up the scale and harshness of meds (topical and ingestable) slowly, or your skin will dry out too much. But, it is totally worth it to get rid of the acne! (This isn't meant to scare you, it is just a word of warning that you have to be patient

I agree! And don't forget: decent people will look past your appearance. I have perfectly clear skin, and people still find things to make fun of me for...it's just an unfortunate fact of life that some people are insecure jerks, but there are so many other more IMPORTANT people out there who love you no matter what you look like.

Although I am curious...why did you try Proactive if your skin was so clear? Personally, one of the reasons I refuse to use most face products and am having trouble warming up to the idea of a winter moisturizer is because "no extra products" has always worked for me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kragey
I agree! And don't forget: decent people will look past your appearance. I have perfectly clear skin, and people still find things to make fun of me for...it's just an unfortunate fact of life that some people are insecure jerks, but there are so many other more IMPORTANT people out there who love you no matter what you look like.

Although I am curious...why did you try Proactive if your skin was so clear? Personally, one of the reasons I refuse to use most face products and am having trouble warming up to the idea of a winter moisturizer is because "no extra products" has always worked for me.

Aw thank you. The only thing is that it makes me really uncomfortable. I don't know anyone around here so I just go out like this without a care haha.

I tried it because I had err.. that "monthly gift" and since we recently moved into my brothers house, my mom found proactiv in the closet and was like "oh this must be for you!". Genious me, I use it thinking it's going to get rid of that little bugger and keep my face clear. I was completely wrong.


Well-known member
Using an intensive treatment for a single spurt of horomone-related acne may have been a bad idea. In fact, this may be a case where it's best to just leave it alone and see a dermatologist.

For the record, I get small breakouts once in an absolute blue moon, usually because of my period. I've learned to just live with it and not try to cover it up or use products to remove it, because that just makes it worse!


Well-known member
So, I haven't used witch hazel in about 3 days and my face is a lot clearer than before!

Looks like I might not have to go to the derm after all

You guys know whats strange though? A few years back, probably when I was 11 or 12, I used proactiv but all it did was dry out my face. Then this time it caused a lot of new break outs. Weirdness!

Thanks for your help everyone:)


Well-known member
i'm pleased that your face is getting better now. i know how crappy bad skin can make you feel. when i was 16-17 i used to lock myself in my room and refused to come out and go to school because i felt so bad.

about 6 months ago i started getting sriously bad breakouts again. my whole forehead was covered in horrid bumps and lumps. i started using loads of different products and to be honest i think that made it worse.

now i just use quinoderm cream which is fantastic and i have no more breakouts. i'm not sure if you can get hold of it in the us though...

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