I need help with my eyeshadow.


Active member
I am using electra all over and purple haze in the outer V and as a liner. I have light brown hair and blue eyes. Today I am wearing black and the look is terrible. I just got both of them but can't figure out what I should exchange them for. I saw a photo in a magazine but it so does not work for me. I look tired and paler than usual this way.

Please help me find a better look.

I use either bare canvass or untitled as a primer.


Well-known member
Hmm that sounds awfully cool colored? Do you normally go for cool toned colors? Sometimes wearing something new is hard to get used to,.. it took me forever to wear stoplight red lipstick,... Maybe that is what you aren't liking? Warmer colors really do help your face look more youthful so if you must exchange them maye shoot for warm colors? But before you exchange those if you wanna try this look again it sounds like you may need a thrid color added into the mix,.. Either maybe a mid tone purple like Pearl of the Earth or Beautiful Iris mid lid,.. or an accent color like Stars N Rockets, Hepcat, Endless Love, or Melton Mauve on the farthest outer corner. I kinda have that theme going on today,.. Silvery purple Kitschmas on the inner lid and as highlighter,.. MId tone is Pearl of the Earth and my outer V is Endless Love and Star Violet. Hope that helps,....


Well-known member
glittergoddess27 said it well! You probably would want to throw in another color or two into it. Satellite dreams would be a nice purple to add. I would also tone down the all over color of Electra, to just the crease and highlight with a lighter color, like Crystal or Beautiful Iris. Electra shows up kinda dark on me, but is a pretty color.