I need language help!

This is a long shot bc i know latin isn't spoken anymore but does ANYONE know of a reputable source who can translate a couple phrases for me into latin?? I'm willing to pay! I ned it to be correct though bc its the tattoo i want on my back. I've gone to a couple websites and read a few books and in every source the same phrase has been different if that makes any sense
please help!!


Well-known member
Go to a Catholic church and ask the clergy (of course, as long as it's something that you wouldn't mind a clergy member seeing). Try to find the oldest, most traditional one in your area- masses used to be conducted solely in Latin and most older priests will remember a great deal of the language.

If not, see if they offer Latin language classes in your area, and maybe shoot the teacher an email asking for a translation? Trusting those online translators is always a bit shaky.


Well-known member
There are lot of businesses specializing in translation. I'd look it up in the phonebook and see if anyone is a certified translator for Latin. Otherwise, I'd email a professor or a teacher at a language school that teaches Latin and ask if they are willing to translate something for a small fee.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dizzy
Go to a Catholic church and ask the clergy (of course, as long as it's something that you wouldn't mind a clergy member seeing). Try to find the oldest, most traditional one in your area- masses used to be conducted solely in Latin and most older priests will remember a great deal of the language.

If not, see if they offer Latin language classes in your area, and maybe shoot the teacher an email asking for a translation? Trusting those online translators is always a bit shaky.

I've heard that Latin used in the church or spoken in mass is slightly different than Classical Latin taught at a university. It depends on the kind of Latin that you want.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blazeno.8
I've heard that Latin used in the church or spoken in mass is slightly different than Classical Latin taught at a university. It depends on the kind of Latin that you want.

At several of the primary schools I went to (Catholic) quite a few of the priests had advanced degrees in Latin; since they were teaching the language they had to have some sort of formal training in it. This may not be the case everywhere, but it is a viable option since it's considered a dead language with the exception of sects of people (like the Catholic Church) who use it.

She can always find out their credentials in the language by asking, should she choose that route.