i need some lovin' and some prayer


Well-known member
i didn't want to say anything earlier because i didn't want to jump to conclusions and get anyone upset, but right now i'm just about to break down and i feel it's something the ladies im close to need to know.

last week i went to the doctor, and today i got a ct scan. there's a possibility i could have brain cancer. i have virtually every symptom except seizures.

i'm absolutely terrified, and right now i just need some lovin' or some good words to hold on to, to make it through the night. i think i will know the results sometime tomorrow.

i love you, all of you, you've inspired me more than you can ever fathom.


Well-known member
Hannah, you know we're all here for you and you'll be in our collective thoughts.
I wish I had some words of wisdom or something more comforting to say but I'm not really good with those words. I care about you, please keep us updated.


Well-known member
ive came back to this post 3 times.. I am really terrible with words, I start typing. and I feel like a complete moron. This is one of those situations where I become speechless because there really isnt a right thing to say.

I am going to be keeping you in my prayers.
not as good as a real hug.. but ..IT IS the best Internet group hug around.


Well-known member
Since I know you believe in prayer, I'd suggest that you speak words of healing over yourself. Despite what everyone might say around you, just keep saying that you have complete and total restoration of your health and body. I pray that the results come back negative. We love you.


Well-known member
I'm unbelievably crap at expressing emotions but i want you to know that you will be in my thoughts and prayers. You are a sweet lovely girl and i'm sending you a virtual but HUGE hug. We wuv you


Well-known member
This is one of those things that I know you must be scared as hell by. I read your post and I know this will be edited but so many things ran though my mind-

1) The first thing was a few bible Verses. The most important is Ezekial 36:9 actually (and I hope this doesn't offend anyone) " I am concerned for you". God is the speaker in this-and I almost feel like it is important to tell you this.

The second is that you are such a strong, sweet, and wonderful woman. I know you are scared and you have a whole lot of us praying the results are negative. If they aren't (I know this is what you are afraid of) remember that we love you and we will be with you every single step of the way (well even if it is through here), but we will be there with prayers, thoughts, and hope.

*HUGS* Keep your chin up and let us know. Most of all, do not forget that you are special and are well loved.


Well-known member
Hannah - I'm so sorry that you are going through this and like everyone else on this board I am wishing you a negative test result and much love and strength. I think you are incredibly brave, I could only imagine being a bedridden, sobbing wreck.

I wasn't sure whether or not to post the following, but in case you or someone else finds it useful or comforting ...

I believe in the law of attraction (or manifestation) which is something like the power of positive thinking. Some people describe it as thoughts > feelings > beliefs > actions, while others take it a bit more literally that your thoughts can create anything. My take is that life is a self-fulfilling prophecy and we can take control of our lives by becoming conscious of what we are prophesising. There is lots of free information out on the net about this. I also love the DVD movie The Secret. In it, one women described healing herself (of cancer?) by watching lots of funny movies and keeping her life stress-free. A friend's parents manifested about $40,000 (AUD) to pay off their house in less than a week.

Sending out positive thoughts, feelings, and intentions to you ...


Well-known member
oh hon
big *huggles* to you!

focus on positive thoughts. take it one step at a time and all along the way think about getting better.

i know it's very scary to be wondering what you may have, but try not to dwell on it. when the results are in you will know one way or the other, and no amount of worrying will change what will be. remember that many people love you and want to help support you through whatever you go through in life, you don't have to face anything alone.

add another to the list of those hoping for a negative result on that test tomorrow.


Well-known member
I'm thinking of you!! I don't know what to say, in such a situation probably every word sounds silly, but I'm thinking of you with all my heart and wishing you the very best! Stay strong! *sending you love and hugs*


Well-known member
I am going to think about you all day and send all my good thoughts to you. There are no words for how I feel, just know that we love you and care about you a lot.


Well-known member
i cannot express my appreciation and gratitude of all the loving responses i have gotten

i keep telling myself its something that can be easily fixed, and i am feeling more positive. even if it is something bad i feel ready to take it on. i've done some research and one thing i read said that if brain tumors are caught early, there's a high rate of them being successfully removed.

i just talked to my mom and she said the doctor hasn't called her yet. right now i feel nervous and anxious but, thanks to you all, feeling positive.



Well-known member
Aww, sweetie...sending a ton of love and hugs and keeping my fingers crossed that everything comes back clean...stay positive!