i need some non-biased advice...


Well-known member
i have a decision to make and i don't want to go to anyone i 'know' about it because everyone has biased opinions blahblah...

so i'll start at the beginning...i have a friend...who is in the music industry...he signed a contract with a VERY VERY VERY famous artist to do the marketing/merchandising for his summer tour....

now this friend asked one of my closer friends and i to go on this tour and basically sell merch for him during the month long tour....

all expenses paid and my friend and i will get 10% of the sales. we'll be on a tour bus and blahblah with my friends people. my friend also said security will be VERY VERY tight because of the artist and we have nothing to worry about and my two friends keep telling me it'll be a ton of fun to tour the country, make $, and on nights w. out shows we'll be goin' out in major US cities. Soundssss like a blast, but IDK. IDK about a lot...they say there's good $ in it and it is all expenses paid, but the economy makes me iffy on how good the money will be. I have a full time job right now that I HATE and will be quitting at the end of the summer because I worked full ime to support my shopping habits last semester and BOMBED...this fall semester I have to take 18hrs to catch up so there will be NOOOO time for probably even a part time job. There's so much drama at my job right now and everyone seems to have been bit with the bitchass bug so I'm really depressed there...like sometimes tempers will flare up when my boss calls it an early day and leaves us girls that there's no much yelling and blahblah I cry alllll the time. Too much stress for a 21yr old. SO...should I go on the tour? Do y'all think it would be a good/fun summer alternative to my awful job now(making $9/hr)...or do you think something awful could happen(lol). I just need some outside opinions.... thanks in advance y'all!!


Well-known member
you say you are quitting @ the end of summer, this sounds like quite the opportunity of a lifetime; will you make more on this tour than your $9/hr? id go for it!!!


Well-known member
I completely agree!! You only live once... You will most likely always wonder what could have happened... Regardless of how the economy is people still go to concerts !! And if it sucks then go back home if you dont like it.. If your planning on leaving your current job anyways.


Well-known member
I guess the only person who can really decide is you - sorry tha'ts no help at all really is it!

But there will be good points and bad points to both options and there is no way of knowing what will happen with regard to the tour. If the artist is well known though that should be a pretty good kind of guarantee tho. Even if it goes wrong - it might be a wonderful trip and if not it might well be an experience that helps you make important decisions later on in life. Whatever you decide tho - have a blast!!!


Well-known member
If it's an iron-clad guarantee you will get x amount of dollars for x weeks of work, then I'd go for it. You may never get a chance like it again! Do your homework first though because the best decisions are informed ones.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NernersHuman
If it's an iron-clad guarantee you will get x amount of dollars for x weeks of work, then I'd go for it. You may never get a chance like it again! Do your homework first though because the best decisions are informed ones.

we'll get paid cash every night....10% of what we sell.....


Well-known member
I think it sounds like a great opportunity. you obviously aren't happy where you currently are. and your young.... i'm 21 too. have fun. and if you don't like it make sure you can still leave at any point if you want to.


Well-known member
Chances are that if you don't do this now you will regret it in the future. Take this amazing opportunity while you can, if you aren't happy with your job and are going to quit anyway take the opportunity to travel and experience life!


Well-known member
I'd go for it. I imagine if you are selling merchandise in support of a well known artist, then your sales should be quite good, and in turn, your 10% should be decent. Just be sure you know exactly what the contract is.


Well-known member
to piggyback off what someone else said, you only live once lol. i say go for it. even if it sucks, think about the stories you'll have to tell ur kids. shit like that is always fun, even in retrospect. well...maybe not ALL the time, but most times.


Well-known member
I'd just advise you to get a proper written contract out for this tour bus job since it is sort of an "abnormal" job, if things go sour for whatever reason, you'll have something in writing. Make sure the contract stipulates that all your expenses will be paid, lodging, food, etc and then of course your payment.


Well-known member
If you can make money on this tour and get out that job that you hate so much then I would give it a try. I can't imagine working a job that makes you cry and yes that's too much stress for anyone.

As far as the economy, good or bad people will spend money on whatever makes them feel good, MAC, concerts, etc.

If I was given the chance that you are being given I would be so gone. Stop crying, get on the bus and have a great time.


Well-known member
so i talked it over with someone who has actually been on a tour(he's a rappers tour DJ that i knew from my radio days) and he pretty much said "take the good with the bad and if you weren't so pretty i'd say go for it, but i think your age and your looks are gonna be trouble"...we talked about this for a good hr...and i think since i didn't mention the artist it swayed into the good column, but it's not Taylor Swift's tour and he warned me of what could happen on the road and I've decided to leave the experiencing to someone with less goin' for her...but thank y'all SO much for the advice i REALLY appreciate it.


Well-known member
Wow, really? If you go with determination and focus to get the job done and make money, I think you'll be okay. Further, you said security is t very very TIGHT...so the likelihood of an outside force causing trouble is minimal. If anything, you'll get into trouble by a choice you make on your own (which applies to any situation). And again, if you're focused, then your mind will be where it's supposed to be, so you won't walk into any trouble.

I've done the tour bus thing for the Breedlove Odyssey Tour, and I don't regret it. I did it while I was single, and I enjoyed it. The security guard was always around, and if you're cool and keep a straight head, you'll be fine.

But I respect your decision, so I'll stop with my two cents.