i need you help filling a 15 slot palette!


Active member
hiya everyone! first of all i would like to thank you all for everything your fotds your tutorials EVERYTHING! you have given me so much more confidence in myself! and i would also like to apologise as this is my first time posting a new thread

i have just been taken on as the make up artist for a small photography company (also happens to be a family member ) after showing him exactly what i can do(i am self taught but will be doing a home course alongside as i am a 3 time mum at 21! yikes i know) - it will be mainly doing portraits and the odd glamourous make over kind of shoots no fashion or magazine shoots or anything, and i am wondering how best to fill a 15 pan palette, i currently have - clarity,coppering,ricepaper,velvet moss,carbon,honey lust but i dont want to include these in the palette just not duplicate or buy similar- i also have a range of pigments (too many to list)
so the main question is what should i fill it with
??? and also how do i qualify for a pro card as the discount would help somewhat

thanx in advance


Well-known member
A great green - my personal faves are Wondergrass and Swimming with Humid to darken


Active member
Welcome! There was a previous thread that you might find useful on professional kits: http://specktra.net/showthread.php?t=49528; if you scroll down to a post by Vicky88 she has pasted a transcript of a chat with a MAC artist with specific MAC recs. Oddly, they only recommend 13 eyeshadows when they know you need 15 to fill a palette :)

And here's a link to Specktra's FAQ for the MAC PRO card: http://specktra.net/showthread.php?t=25432.

thank you i did search but couldnt find anything- its so hard to know what colours to choose when there are so many!


Well-known member
IMO, Woodwinked is a must have! It's gorgeous and you can pair it with lots of things. For grad I wore it with Big T in the crease, and sometimes I use it with carbon in the crease for a smokey look


Active member
thanx everyone but i think some of them might be a bit bright for the people i will be doing -dont get me wrong i love the bright colours but i will also be doing some more conservative customers/clients- so what would be the top 15 ...after lots of web searching i have come up with 15 but please see what you think or what u would exchange

1- hepcat
6-plum dressing
7-crystal avalanche
13-black tied
15-velvet moss
please let me know what you think - any you would swap??????
i have a lot of shimmery pigments which would alter alot of the colours silver fog copper cast etc do u think i will be ok with these?? sorry to keep asking but i am buying the whole palette and refills all together and want to get it spot on.
thanx -laura


Well-known member
It seems as though you have a good idea of what you want. I would buy the colors that you think will work with the clients/needs that you'll have.

You will learn as you go through sessions which ones are not working for you (or never used) and what holes for color needs you have. And even these will change over time.

Good luck.


Well-known member
#9 and #14 are both goldmine so maybe exchange 1 for Amber Lights, it's a lovely and versatile color. And you definitely have to include Bronze. Espresso, Ricepaper/Shroom. I'd exchange Velvet Moss for Humid coz I think it's a lovelier color
But that's just me.

Girl about town

Well-known member
i'd maybe throw in a few neutrals if its for photographic work, maybe some of the matte 2 colours, naked lunch, nylon etc for highlight and some darker colours for the crease x


Well-known member
If you're doing conservative makeup these shades would be great & versatile:

Espresso, Cork (good for eyebrows too)
Shroom, Mylar, Brule (base + highlight)
Nylon (my favorite for shimmery highlight, could be used on cheekbones too)
Cranberry, Sketch
Satin Taupe, Woodwinked


Well-known member
definitely good neutral colors as well as good highlighting colors.
also "colors" to keep your palette colorful as well to have some colorful options as well (like our favorites - aquadisiac, parrot, trax, sushi flower, parfait amour, etc)...also, yes, definitely like a previous poster has suggested, some good matte colors. - good for photography.

it seems as though you do have great knowledge (enough to get you the position) - enjoy picking your colors and good luck!