I need your help , My Skill Level is pathetic 1st FOTD...


Well-known member
Okay Guys , I am so nervous. If you can believe it , I only discovered how to use more than one eye color like last year

So after seeing all the beautiful looks you ladies pull off, I thought I need to venture out... the problem is after a couple months of "playing" at night , I need some help... my blending is horrible and the outer V and ll that stuff is painful sooo I really need advice and tips ... I am sooo scared about putting this up . But I really trust you ladies and hope that this will improve my make up skills

I also took about 50 pictures and realized i am terrible at taking pictures of myself .....

I used :

NW20 Studio Fix ( Powder)
Artistry light concealer

Random unknown brown
Tan pigment
Mauvement Pigment
Vanilla Pigment
Hip Brown fluid line
Mary Kay mascara




I tried to darken V and added some more liner :



Well-known member
The colors look pretty, maybe use Romp or a similar shadow and darken the crease or outer v?


Well-known member
I honestly don't think your blending is bad at all....I think this looks nice and neutral...I wear Cork alot too
The only thing I would have done is used a darker liner and mascara...But everyone does not like the darker look, just my personal thing...You have gorgeous long lashes....


Well-known member
I agree about the darker liner ... I didn't realize it had gotten lost until I got the pictures up and i didn't want to go through all that mess again lol =)

And I'm afraid to go darker, I ended up looking like i've been beaten lol

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
I think it's soft and pretty.

To define your outer v more, I'd use a small angled dense brush and pack it on at the very edge and blend a bit inwards with the leftover shadow on your brush. To start off make a V shape with the brush and fill it in and go from there.


Well-known member
This is very soft & pretty! It's great to see you posting girl!

Don't be afraid though, everyone has to start somewhere! It has taken me a long time to learn how to blend and my blending isn't all that great. I feel like that's what everyone is here for, to learn from each other & to be inspired.

You really do have gorgeous eyes and I think darker liner would look great! Don't be afraid though! I had to start at gray and work my way all the way to black. Maybe you could try a gray or brown liner before you actually go to black. I think a dark liner would really make your eyes pop!


Active member
The Color is great! But you do need i think a eyeliner to make those eyes pop and some darker mascara. Also need something in the outer v darker.Are u at all using mac brushes? Dont be afraid to practice practice practice I say..You cant do wrong with eye shadows dont be scared u can always clean it off start over.


Well-known member
Get your hands on a 219. It's awesome for the outer v and for lining. I think that's the number, I'll get back to you. I think you did great!


Well-known member
God, now that I see this on my computer and not my cellphone, it is gorgeous. I mean it really is.

If you wanted to add some extra oopmh, the 219 brush is my brush of choice along with the 217 and 224. The 217 and 224 allow for a large surface area of color to be placed in the outer v. They are also great for blending. Then, take the 219 and put a highly pigmented, darker color in the same shade family in the smallest portion of your outer v. The 219 is smaller and denser so you can pack more color on and in a more precise manner.

I also use the 219 to line the bottom of my eyes with shadow and to smudge my top liner. Oh, and if you want to be fierce, use feline in your waterline.

But, honestly, I would wear this look. I really, really love it! Thanks for sharing and I hope we see more from you!!


Well-known member
Thank you guys soo much. I have been trying to decide which brushes I need... They are so expensive , I want to get more use out of the brushes I buy ;-)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
The colors look pretty, maybe use Romp or a similar shadow and darken the crease or outer v?

I agree.
And it doesn't need to be anything too dark, just something to add a little depth and dimension.

Originally Posted by TISH1127
The only thing I would have done is used a darker liner and mascara...

I agree with this too, but that's just what I would personally do. I think it actually looks good as is, maybe because you have light hair and eyes? I wouldn't look like I had much on if I wore that, but it looks natural and pretty on you.


Well-known member
I'd suggest making a darker eyeliner, maybe using a dark brown, maybe a liquid liner to do a wing.

Don't worry, we all had to start somewhere! Just keep at it, the more you practice the better you get!



Well-known member
I'm so grateful to all of you for your suggestions. I have never realized until now looking at these pictures, how light the eyeliner I have been using is ... I'll have to fix that lol. But if you ladies are always this helpful, I'll prob be calling on you more often =) Thanks so much gals !


Well-known member
I think this is a great first attempt. Like Julie said, I would love for you to work in some liner into there. A bit of smokey smudged brown into the lid would be lovely


Well-known member
A very pretty look! I could imagine that Satin Taupe would look good in the crease and in the outer V as well. For blending I can really recommend the 224.
Enjoy playing with the colors!


Well-known member
I've never used pigments.. but I think you've done a good job. I don't see any hard lines are harshness in the colors.

To the average person (who isn't a MA i guess) you did a great job!


Well-known member
Haha! You don't have horrible blending! It looks just fine, and I agree with the suggestions everyone else has given. Keep practicing and you'll have the skills you desire in no time


Well-known member
I think it is a lovely natural look - you have absolutely gorgeous eyes!
A smoky brown eye on you would be fabulous

I agree with Susanne & Adina's suggestions.

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