i need your help on an nc44 makeup look ...


Well-known member
well idk how 2 explain this.. but u know how asian girls can pull off thatr glowy skin look and it looks like their cheeks are barely flushed and just a little biut of eyeliner( idk if thats what they do but thats what it looks like) and it just looks naturally pretty and fresh and their skin looks very soft and illuminated , but not shiny ...WELLLLLLL im an nc44, so i know i cant pull off the pale illuminated looks
BUT ...can someone post a tutorial of a look for darker tones that makes ur skin look just naturally glowy with barely any makeup at all? almost a "doll" kinda look? because everytime i find a natural face tutorial for darker skintones, its always a bronzy gold sheen look, and i dont want that :/ so im kinda lost.... and a tutorial would help so so soooo much ...

and the reason im asking for a barely there look, is bc some days u dont feel like doing a big dramatic eye, but u still want ppl 2 think, wow, shes pretty lol u know?


Well-known member
I kind of did something similar to what you're asking about in my most recent FOTD. Here is the link. I'm NC45, so nearly the same shade as you.

To make it look like you're wearing less makeup, just don't line the lower waterline.