I resigned!!!


Well-known member
My last day is january 14th!
I'm so excited. I'm going to cut all my hair off and dye it crazy colours and wear rainbow eyeshadow and get piercings everywhere. (in other words go back to being myself, FINALLYYYYYYYY)

Oh man, you have no idea how good i feel

I guess cosmetics retail just wasn't for me!
I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders and then eaten.
and also like someone gave me a giant box of HAPPY!


ahaha i had to share my excitement with you

ps. I work/ed for clinique at a coutner in a department store


Well-known member
Good for u, I know how good it feels when quitting a job that just wasn't for u... go celebrate!! WOO HOO


Well-known member
Well i start makeup college on the 22nd of February, so since i finish on january 14th, I'll need to get another job.
because i'll need it to be really flexible in order to fit work experience in, i was thinking i'd get casual work in a music store, or do nightfill in a supermarket- I know, not exactly the nicest jobs around but honestly anything is better than where i was!

I'll also be looking out for any freelance work i can get
well good for you! i'm also at a job right now that I don't enjoy anymore. I'm looking for a new job and was going to apply at macys and nordstroms for a cosmetic counter position. just out of curosity, why did you not like working at the clinque counter?


Well-known member
alot of things-
makeup is my life, my passion, my heart and soul. I pretty much live for makeup. doing peoples makeup, doing my own, leanring new things about makeup, hoarding it, trying new makeup.... it just makes me happy. The only thing about makeup that doesn't make me happy? Selling it. Especially when i know the products are reeeally that great quality (i find the eyeshadows have too much white base- and alot of the mattes are very hard pressed, not pigmented enough for me. I'm also not a fan of the foundations, or the lip products. or the skincare... the aerosol sunscreen is ok). What bothers me most about selling it is that i feel clinique as a company doesn't care if the customer is suited to the product or vice versa- they just want me to hardsell the product and make their sales targets.

I like to think I'm a nice person- but as hard as i try, keeping out of the bitching instore is really hard. anything i say can get twisted to mean something else. It sucks- i may as well be back in high school.

My shifts kept getting changed at like a days notice, which really shat me cos i often had plans. IM A BUSY WOMAN DAMN YOU.

I felt that most of the work (eg. restocking, cleaning the counter, cleaning testers and checking if they were full, tidying and rearranging cupboards, calling customers etc) fell on me- and my CM was just doing the figures. Fair? I don't think so. She tries to make it look of by giving me the extra sales so i get commission. I've gotten commission once- but it doesn't make up for the fact that im doing all the actual manual labour.

The uniform/dress code. This is pretty easy to explain. Me before clinique: 12 piercings in my ears alone, short multicoloured hair, loads of brightly coloured eye and lip makeup, nails loooong and painted a different colour every day, loud necklaces, low cut tops (not skanky, but like tank tops and stuff)
Me after clinique: tamed dark brown hair(usually in a ponytail or bun until i cut it off), two ear piercings (the rest all closed up before i could save them, after being 'talked to' by a trainer.) boring neutral eye the same day after day. same neutral lipstick every day. Tshirts not allowed to be lower than your collarbone. nails must be 'sports length' and only clear nailpolish is permitted, or a sheer pink. no visible necklaces, no rings unless it's a weding/engagement ring. Preferably only silver jewelry (i had to paint my lapis lazuli plugs silver- NOT HAPPY), onyl bangles/bracelets permitted were clinique issue, heels no higher than 2 inches... i feel like "hey, why don't they just suck any form of self expression out of their employees! or better yet, employ robots!"

I don't feel that my pay was fair for the work i was doing and my level of skill- but then who does get paid fairly?

alot of the people i work with don't seem to take me seriously because of my age (I am only 18)

You get the point.
what DID i like? wicked discounts, doing formal/ any kind of makeovers, occasionally getting freebies, getting commission was nice, some of the girls i worked with were nice... uuhhmmm.... The mascaras are also nice.


Well-known member
Good for you girl! I'm hoping to get the hell outta Macy's in general after the new year. Haven't found a job yet but I know I will feel the exact same way you do!


Well-known member
Wow, Clinique has too many rules, I happen to like color and fun, but I guess it all goes with the ocmpany's image, so I can't fault them on that. But yea you sounded as if you were miserable.
Good like in school, and yes girl try to freelance and make some xtra $$ on the side


Well-known member
YES!!! I know exactly how you feel- As soon as I left the Clinique counter, I dyed my hair purple and went nuts with my makeup every day. I also wore open-toed shoes and sandals every day, since I'd missed them so much, and I'm just now starting to wear black again (after two years of wearing nothing but black under that labcoat, I'd had enough!). I still love their skincare and mascara, but I do agree with you that they don't individualize customers enough- they try to put them in a certain "box" and make them use exactly what's prescribed for that certain type. I still use and love their skincare, but my trainers would probably have a fit if they knew how I used it- but it's my skin, and it looks good, so screw it!! I hope you find an awesome job that suits your life as you go through school!


Well-known member
ahhh thankyou!

you were actually a huge help with the makeup i bought from you
I still smile every time i wear that lipstick- and i swoon over my precious MAC palette ^.^


Active member
I guess they dont want anything to distract from the product (as the customer might go 'I like your make-up, what are you wearing..?' and you say.. anything but clinique!!)

Sounds like you are going to be pretty happy for a while!! And you have gotten to know their products pretty well, so that will be invaluable for the next step.

Hope the piercings dont hurt to much when you have them redone!


Well-known member
i am glad you did what was best for you.. plus the retail experience in costmetics really might help you in the future.

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