I want to vomit


Staff member
They do make a rolodex type thing for business cards or there is a business card file type book if that could help. Or you can fly Tish, Adina and I down and we'll organize it for ya!! <3


Well-known member
I think approaching him with what you said a little while ago is a fine idea. You could say that you love and appreciate how hard he works for the both of you, and that you don't want to bother him with organizational/cleaning issues when he's ready to crash and get some sleep. So, to that end, you'll be tagging and bagging unused stuff.

Maybe even have a garage or tag sale and agree to put that money in an account? That might appeal to his frugal nature and at least let you see some profit for all the hard work.


Well-known member
Oh holy hell I can so relate to your problem. My husband is borderline OCD about throwing anything away.. He gets it from his parents who have built additional rooms to house all of their shit! I remember the time that we needed a curtain rod and were about to run to Target to buy one when my father-in-law went to the attic and spent about 2 hours trying to find one. When he finally did, he said he bought it in the 50's. Oh my GOD! And let's not even talk about the bottle of peroxide that my husband found actually expired in 1981. It's older than me!

My advice to you is instead of planning an entire day of purging, start throwing away a couple of items a day. Eventually he can come to terms with it. You could even compromise by throwing X item's away, he can spend a little on a pleasure day for him or he can buy himself something he really wants. HTH.


Well-known member
Danelle, I can really understand you!

I am probably the most organized and tidiest person in the world
I know I can stress people around me with my sense for organization

But what to say? Maybe buy huge clear boxes that fit into a bookshelf. There he can see his stuff but it does not lay around.


Well-known member
Rbella: I dont have advice cause I throw out shit i dont need

Trust me if you have not used it in the last year, you dont need it


Well-known member
How the heck did I miss this!!!

Unlike Purrtykitty, I love laughing at your expense!

My dh is like yours...damn pack rats I say & NO changing them now. For goodness sake, the man cannot even throw out a screw (now, now, now - the ones you build with )

Yeeeeah, I have no answers other than a paper shredder.

I miss ya!


Well-known member
I bought 2 pretty boxes to house his stupid supplements he is always buying. They were overflowing, so I threw 4 bottles of different vitamins away. My luck he'll notice and it will be the ones he uses. He almost cried when he saw it.

He said "Why did you do that? I had it organized and now I won't be able to find what I need!!" WTF???????? There were literally 40 different bottles of vitamins in my KITCHEN CABINET with no rhyme or reason.

I also bought a binder with inserts for business cards. He is fighting me on it and telling me that the big stack sitting on top of the filing cabinet is how he needs them. He knows where they are in that stack. Sweet Jesus.


Well-known member
Haha, that's hilarious... they can be so unreasonable at times.... my boyfriend keeps every box of every item that costs over 40 bucks... I'm serious. We don't have a storage closet... it's a freaking tetris arrangement of boxes.


Well-known member
I would basically give him the ultimatum of, we're sitting down and going through this for 2 hours (or whatever) every weekend, until it's under control. If you want no part of it, I am throwing out what I want.


Well-known member
AND OMG at the business card stack. How frustrating! I worry about my boyfriend and I in the future because while the artist in me can let my apartment get a *little* messy, I have to overhaul it back to OCD status every week or two. Him? MESSY 24/7. He moved back into his parents' place until he can find a studio he likes and he's even messy there! UGHHHH


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rbella
I bought 2 pretty boxes to house his stupid supplements he is always buying. They were overflowing, so I threw 4 bottles of different vitamins away. My luck he'll notice and it will be the ones he uses. He almost cried when he saw it.

He said "Why did you do that? I had it organized and now I won't be able to find what I need!!" WTF???????? There were literally 40 different bottles of vitamins in my KITCHEN CABINET with no rhyme or reason.

I also bought a binder with inserts for business cards. He is fighting me on it and telling me that the big stack sitting on top of the filing cabinet is how he needs them. He knows where they are in that stack. Sweet Jesus.

See? I had a feeling. My DH can find a missing article of clothing in a pile of clothes that looks like his dresser exploded, but can't find it when it's folded in the dresser.


Well-known member
Alli-Seriously, you've GOT to nip this shizz in the bud. Otherwise, your life will be an unorganized mess.

ms.mary-you weren't kidding. You would have thought I was trying to give away a childhood puppy or something. Ridiculous.

Elegant, purrrty and everyone else-I love you and you can all laugh at my pain anytime. I would. It is so unreal.

I finally wrote him a note last night b/c I realized that trying to talk to him about wasn't going to go anywhere. I also realized that I was about 1 step away from a total freakout on him and I don't want to be that person.

He read my note, came in and told me he didn't realize it bothered me so much (HELLO!!!) and he would definitely work with me on a strategy. We'll see how that goes. I'll keep you updated.