Ideas for how to use Trax and Haux?++

Stage Kitten

Well-known member
I ran across them in my stash and noticed that I never really use them. I am trying to decide whether to swap them or keep them.


They're certainly two of my faves. I couldn't live without Haux. I use the colour religiously in my brows. I'm a natural blonde, dyed a redhead, and the colour worked when I had maroon hair too. It's wonderful and dynamic. It's a great neutral for the lid, combined with a nice smokey brown like Espresso in the crease. As for Trax, I find it takes alot of layering to work but it's a really fun warm purple that turns a neat cranberry shade if you wet it down. I like to use it with Star Violet for a day look or Carbon for a good night look. Mabey they don't fit your personal tastes, but my advice would be to hold onto them they're goodies!

Stage Kitten

Well-known member
Originally Posted by xessi180
They're certainly two of my faves. I couldn't live without Haux. I use the colour religiously in my brows. I'm a natural blonde, dyed a redhead, and the colour worked when I had maroon hair too. It's wonderful and dynamic. It's a great neutral for the lid, combined with a nice smokey brown like Espresso in the crease. As for Trax, I find it takes alot of layering to work but it's a really fun warm purple that turns a neat cranberry shade if you wet it down. I like to use it with Star Violet for a day look or Carbon for a good night look. Mabey they don't fit your personal tastes, but my advice would be to hold onto them they're goodies!

I think I will hold on to them, thanks!


Well-known member
I wear Haux in the crease with a super neutral lid color. Like Brule, or Dazzlelight. Very soft, "looks like I did nothing" look. HTH!


Well-known member
I love Trax as my crease color with Pink Freeze, Nylon, Woodwinked, and Naked Lunch. It works with lots of colors, IMO, especially neutrals and pinks.


Well-known member
Trax is one of my favorite. I know a lot of people dislike it, but I love it. I combine it with Pink Venus, Satin Taupe, Vex, Shale, Amber Lights, All That Glitters, Jest, Sable. It's a really usefull shade IMO.


Well-known member
I'm wearing Trax right now! I've got on Red Velvet shadestick as a base, Honey Lust on the inner half of the lid, UD's Last Call on the outer half (if you want to use a MAC color Cranberry is comparable I believe), Trax in the crease/outer corner, Solar White as a highlight.


Well-known member
Maybe try Trax on the lid with Nocturnelle in the crease and something darker like Contrast in the outer V? Nice Vice would also be a nice base for Trax.