Idol Eyes and Glitter Liners Pics


Well-known member
My lemming for the eyeshadow has grown 100 I take it Pro stores in the US gets them on the 22nd but it's available online as of the 29th? Is that correct?


Well-known member
I quickly threw this together in photoshop.. but I have a bit of a mystery... where is Pinkphonic glitter liner and what is that blue one? Edit: Several people have told me its likely to be "For The Boys"

Anyway, let me know if you think I've gotten some of them wrong, sometimes it can be hard to guess but it seemed obvious which most of these are, at least for the VPs.



Well-known member
*cringe* NOoooooooooooo.

Gosh they look lovely! So much for holding out until Ornamentalism.


Well-known member
Drat, I'll have to get another 15-pan to accomodate those v/p lovelies. The pix are so appreciated...though did have to try and not drool on the keyboard.


Well-known member
Yes! There aren't as many that I want as I thought there would be. Now I can save my moolah for Ornamentalism.


Well-known member
Argh Leppy you were faster than me!
I had the same thoughts about what's used to be Saucepot!

But I think that Twinks and Falling Star are mixed up!


Well-known member
Hmm I debated those two but I don't think so VV.. then again MACs descriptions are total poo. Burgundy implies a more pinky tone to me and what really made me think this was right was because Twinks has gold pearl, which may account for it looking so warm in the pic. Falling Star has "red" pearl and the shimmer in the pinker one looks more red/pink than gold to me.

I'm guessing though, you could be right. These pics are never that accurate nor are descriptions LOL

Here are the descriptions:

Falling Star - Deep burgundy with red reflective pearlized particles
Twinks - Red/plum with gold reflective pearlized particles

Could really be either way around. Silly MAC!


Well-known member
Yaaaay! I'll still wait for real pics for the final verdict, but I'm *SO* excited for these! I'm going to limit myself to 8 of them so I can fill up two quads!... at first
I love how half of them look almost pastel and the other half look smokey and dramatic!


Well-known member
Oh thank god the e/s are perm., I just love the darker colors but they are gonna have to wait until I can get some more money, I never realized how addicting it can be to love MAC so much!!!!