If I have Fashion Mews do I *need* Lavender Whip aswell?


Well-known member
So I picked up Fashion Mews a few weeks ago and on the same day I compared it to Lavender whip and I thought to myself; "Hey they're pretty similar, and y'know I'm probably not gonna wear purpley/lilac colours on my lips too often and well... Fashion Mews is in the HK packaging.. sooo... Fashion Mews it is!"

Now I'm banging my head against a wall that I didn't just go for Lavender Whip aswell! D'oh! Why??

So do I need to get Lavender Whip too?? Should I fight the urge and resist or should I just cave in now??


I have both and they're pretty different to me. Lavender Whip is more wearable whereas Fashion Mews makes me look like death
I like the finish/texture of LW much better...FM is way too frosty for me.


Well-known member
i never tried lavender whip but i love my fashion mews...especially paired with a light pink l/g (florabundance) on top...i say pick up lavendaer whip...is it still available though? what's one more purple lipstick lol


Well-known member
I have the same problem, only I bought LW instead of FM. I don't regret getting LW as I wear it lots, I just wish I had FM too.


Well-known member
I have Fashion Mews but I don't have Lavender Whip. I haven't touched FM yet but I was thinking about getting LW but decided not to.


Well-known member
I like both of the lipsticks...They are fairly different....FM is a Glaze with more pink and Lavender Whip is a Cremesheen more pigmented and has more Lavender



Well-known member
I thought the same thing really. I have FM and debated in the store which - I'm NW20 - they are slightly different - LW is definitely more lavender, but if you don't intend to wear them often then I'd say you're fine with the one... I change the color (play it up or down depending on my mood) with lip glasses. To really make the lavender color pop use the purple HK lipglass or nico liglass


Well-known member
I don't have FM but recently bought LW, and i really love it. I didn't think i would wear a Lavender lipstick like that but it really looks good on me.


Well-known member
Ugh, I knew it! I should have gotten both when I had the chance! D'oh!!

Thanks for all the help ladies, greatly appreciated!

Oh well... back to Evil eBay / MUA / Clearance Bin on here in the vain hope of getting some Lavender Whipalicious lovin'!

Thanks again! x


Well-known member
to me, lavender whip is much more pigmented and more lavender. fashion mews is great if you are just starting off with lavender lipstick because it can be sheer and much less subtle. but if you are bold enough, you can also get lavender whip! props to u! (i sure cannot use lavender whip because i'm still trying to get used to fashion mews) they are different but have similarities.