If you wanted a glittery look ...


Well-known member
And I mean really glittery that picks up and reflects lots of light woudl you go with reflects gold glitter or 3D gold glitter?

Thanks - I'm trying to help my step-daughters cheerleading coach do their makeup and this is what she wants.



Well-known member
The 3D glitters (gold, silver, copper and lustdust - if it can be included in this) have a rainbow effect. The gold, copper and lustdust ones that i have are small in glitter size, whilst the silver is large (and thus you notice the rainbow effect more - though i think that i just have the old silver. Im pretty sure they were all reformulated to a finer glitter). These are my favourite MAC glitters, and go with pretty much anything.

As far as i know, the 'reflects' are very fine glitters that reflect the colour they are called (ie reflects gold is a white glitter that reflects/flashes gold).


Well-known member
Like the above said the reflects line reflects color, but are very subtle. If you want the glitter to really stand out, go for the 3d gold glitter.

TamEva Le Fay

Well-known member
Hello KTB,

As always it depends on where you are applying it. If you are looking for the brightest and most expensive shimmery effect applied to the lid and under brow areas - I would suggest Reflect Trans Gold. It allows your other eye colors to show through the glitter, albeit; somewhat muted. If you are looking for a not so expensive look but all out glitter effect look go for the 3-D Gold. It will give you a very showy look that will be seen from the Moon!

Both will make the eyes POP! Do remember though that if/when you apply the Reflect Trans Gold it has a tendency to mute any colors you have covered with it since it has a translucent type powder in it to carry the gold reflect glitter. I'm always having to touch up certain color areas I wanted to stand out more due to its muting effects. This can also be a blessing as well, since it can act as a corrector to any shadow application boo-boos you may make. It is very forgiving! Reflects Pearl is also a great alterative to Reflects Gold. I swear by these glitters I have them all…I will be buried with them. They are that Fabulous & Special!!!

On the other hand, I would be remiss if I didn’t point out the Dark Side to using any Glitters.

Whichever you choose please be safe with it around the eyes as it is not recommended to be used as such. If you are planning on using it on the eyes I recommend you use a little hair spray to each eye after you’ve applied it to make it stick.
After you apply your glitter close your eyes and spray once quickly to each eye, and open eyes as soon as the air has cleared of fumes to avoid lashes sticking together. Not cute!

If you’re applying it to another person use a piece of tissue to cover their eyelashes so they don't get sprayed more than they have to.

I know what you're thinking...Hair spray to the eyes hmmmmmm????
Well indeed it is the lesser of two evils!
You either risk glitter falling into eyes, which may or may not cause permanent damage to the eye or have slight irritation from spray to ensure that the glitter stays put and avoid the possibility of falling into the eyes.

The most important advice one can give as well, is to make sure that everyone of the girls on the team and the coach is aware of the risks of using glitter with their makeup.
I would even go so far as to possibly have them or their parents or both sign a consent waver protecting you and the coach from nasty lawsuits that may arise from any accidental incident involving makeup application and eye injury.

My Final recommendation is to explore a product from Urban Decay called “HEAVY METAL” Glitter Eyeliners. This is the Real Deal in glitter eyeliners!!! Take it from a professional Drag Queen! This stuff is no joke!!! Bar none the BEST Glitter eyeliners on the market! I defy anyone to prove otherwise! I’ve tried them all. And just like the tube says, the more you apply the thicker and more intense it will look. As with all Glitter eyeliners it is VERY important to let it dry between application swipes for better coverage. This stuff is the best and it comes in an array of colors including Silver, Gold, Blue, Soft Pale Green, Purple, etc., etc. It is much safer to use than loose glitters because of their very nature.

They're almost damn near impossible to get off without a fight, which will allows them to hold up under times of stress, i.e. Fabulous Cheerleading Divas who inspire their team to VICTORY!

Good Luck and Have Fun!


Well-known member
You can also try these (scroll down to 'Pure Shimmer'):
Natural mineral based powder cosmetics and skincare. - Specialty Eye Colors

They are 100% mica, so therefore are completely eyesafe, but look like glitters

You can order cheap samples too, which is great if you arent sure about colours/looks. They also have cosmetic grade glitters (above the pure shimmers), but these are not any more eyesafe than MAC's. For children/teenagers that arent yours, as the above poster rightly pointed out, there are legal issues with potentially very harmful makeup products (they can get a scratched cornea, or end up blind - its a serious issue with glitter - which is usually used around the eyes for fashion shoots/runway/specialist looks, and not meant to be everyday wear).
For this reason, mica would be the better option, rather than the plastic etc glitter.
You can also get 'paper' glitter from Tony & Tina, but i dont know if these are still in production (you can find them new/unused on ebay though).


Well-known member
Wow - thanks for all your responses.

TamEva Le Fay I'll definitely discuss that stuff with her coach. you bring up some interesting points that I hadn't even considered. And I'll check out Urban Decay too.


Well-known member
I love UD glitters also. If you want a thin glittery line- use the Heavy Metal liners. If you want a lid full of glitter, use the glitter gels- they show up MUCH better.