If You've Got Me Beat...


Well-known member
You are nuts.

I have over 80 pairs of earrings, some of which I have made myself, some of which I have bought, some of which I have acquired randomly. And I am not even including my various gauges of earrings from tapering up to 2ga (I will be going 0ga tomorrow!)

What types of earrings do you generally wear? Do you prefer studs or dangling ones? Or do you just wear the same earrings all the time?

I'll post a pic of (some of) my collection soon...


Well-known member
I tend to go through phases, I wear earrings non stop for a few weeks and then I stop and so on and so on. As far as the type of earings...I like big "dangly" ones. Specially starts! I love stars!!!!!!!!! My fav are these big huge stars from the Hilary Duff collection at Claire's that have these stones at the end that look like tiny diamons:

Unlike me, my mom loves earrings. To her a women is not a women without them so you can only imagine the long lecture I get when I dont wear any! She makes her own a lot of times.


Well-known member
Oh, I definitely have more than 80 pairs of earrings. I can't even count them all, and have had to start storing them in plastic tubs under my bed because they don't fit in my jewelry drawer! I'll take pics of some of mine too. I tend to wear really "ethnic" looking jewelry and have a lot of traditional Indian jewelry as well. I'm not as much a fan of classic European/American type jewelry, or very modern stuff either.


Well-known member
i have like 3 pairs lol!
I dont really like earrings because i have these insanely sensitive ears, so I only wear them on special occasions. I love earrings though especially dangly sorts and big diamonds


Well-known member
I am a complete earring whore, and proud of it!! I don't know how many I actually have. I rarely wear the same pair two days in a row (unless we're camping or something, then I wear simple hoops) and I love dangly, crazy, jingly, glitzy, you name it. My favorites are either sterling silver, or silver with various stones and I do make a lot of my own.

I even have 10ga piercings in my lobe/conch of each ear and those have healed up enough I'm considering what I want to put in there (thinking a regular captive bead ring with a gemstone bead). I just love to decorate myself like a big, ole christmas tree.


Well-known member
I LOVE earrings. I went to a private school when I was in high school so it was the easiest way to have a statement while wearing the uniform. Since I started university though, my hair has grown past my ears (usually its ultra-short, but I'm too cheap to get it cut until I go home for the holidays :p) and I can wear street clothes to school, so I haven't been wearing the giant colourful ones in my collection as much.


Well-known member
I'm so into hoops lately. These Kenneth Jay Lane hoops are a staple for me now! I wear them practically every day. And just last week I saw Carmindy from What Not to Wear wearing them hehe
