I'll use any excuse to treat myself!


Well-known member

So.. I decided to go a little nuts @ MAC Path today because.. this weirdo at my work who never shows up for her shift.. and doesn't even call... and is late for work everyday.. got Fired!
She totally got what was coming to her.. and so did I.. MAC!
I know that's terrible of me to say all of this, but seriously.. there are so many people out there looking for work. She had such a great opportunity to work in a large company where moving up is very much encouraged by your manager and she just wasted it.
She thought she could get away with coming in at least an hour late everyday (or not coming in at all), letting her team down, and then chat on the phone while her workload piled and piled up.. and guess who had to do her work when she decided not to show up?!? MMmm hmm!
Anyway its more than just that.. we used to "hang out" until I finally realized she's a psychotic liar. You know those type of people who try so unbelievably hard to be someone else just so you will like them? Be yourself.. if someone doesn't like you for who you truly are.. screw 'em. NO need to be fake.

OK enough of the ranting.

This is a couple purchases i have made in the last week and some from today.


So I got
  • Ambering Rose Blush
  • Breezy Blush
  • Era shadow
  • Nocturnelle shadow
  • Amber Lights shadow
  • Brown Down shadow
  • Bare Canvas paint .... (LOVE THIS)
  • Bamboom paint.. can't wait to try
  • Lip Treatment lipstick
  • Lise Watier Blush brush... trying so hard to avoid buying the MAC blush brush.. but I think its gonna happen soon. scurrred.

Can't wait for more.. want to go to the PRO store.. but I'll wait til next payday !!!
I ran out of Studio Fix Fluid.. stock up on some Sudio Fix powder, a couple of concealers in NW40 or NC45 for neutral highlights (thanks to Fauryn on youtube), some yummy pro shadows and pro lipwear.. and hopefully some funky cream colour bases! But I will do Sephora tomorrow to get the Argentia gloss quad from CARGO. woot!

I have a serious problem.


Well-known member
Congrats... on your haul. I love it. I love your stories. ha ha. You will love ambering rose blush. i love fauryn78 too!!!! is it she wonderful. I want her to come back and do more videos i miss them so much.


Well-known member
Nice haul! Nothing wrong w/ treating yourself just b/c if you can afford it. And you'll love using that concealer as a neutral highlight. It will also make your brows look F.I.E.R.C.E!!


Well-known member
Happy haulin' to you! I used to know a couple of people like her, one is supposed to be my best friend but when you get older, that's when you start to realize things.

I love concealer as a highlight and it helps to define my brows like they were freshly arched *thanks to lipshock*. I get compliments on them all the time and I even got a couple from my dad, who dosen't understand makeup and beauty, etc.