Im Dumb but how much more exspensive is Mac Pro Makeup?

I was just wondering because im taking a roadtrip to new york just to go there and i dont know how much money to bring. thanks


Well-known member
The prices are the same. For example, some shades of Face & Body foundation are only available in Pro stores. They cost exactly the same (and contain the same amount of product) as their more widely distributed counterparts. The same goes for all other Pro products where there are non Pro products from the same range.


Well-known member
hee hee hee,bring alot b/c you will want to buy everything-LOL!
have fun


Well-known member
the prices are the same as they would be in any freestanding store, at least, for products that have counterparts elsewhere. for example, the pro stores have TONS more pigment shades, but they're still 19.5o each, regardless of whether it is a pro product. the pro stores are the exact same as regular mac locations, just with a MUCh wider variety of products and shades available, and exclusive to pro stores.