In Need of MAC e/s advice - Halloween


Active member
I posted this on MUA, but I think the girls there are sick of me asking questions about MAC e/s lol... so sorry if some of you see it twice.

MAC e/s experts: I want an orange/black (or grey) look for Halloween...
Unfortunately the closest MAC is 90 minutes away so I can't just go look at the true color of the e/s. Online they have an "Orange" and also an "Orange Tangent", which of these would be better for creating the classic orange/black Halloween look? Also- should I go with a grey shade, a silver shade, or a black shade? Like Knight Divine, Black Tied, Carbon, Fineshine? I'm really at a loss being able to only look at online swatches @ the website. Ultimately I am wanting to use 3 colors to get the effect. Thanks for your help!

If anyone could help me I would be soooo appreciative! Thanks!


Active member
Whoops.. I knew I put that post in the wrong place..


Well-known member
Orange Tangent is pretty light-- I think Orange is more what you are looking for. I would probably go with Orange, Orange Tangent, and Carbon for the Halloween look.


Active member
Originally Posted by pumpkincat210
and maybe line the eyes with a purple E/S.. Purple Haze would look good or violet pigment...

oooo good idea, I actually have Purple Haze too (wow, that's amazing)!

I love Halloween, but am not really into dressing up like the ppl at work do, so I will try to look the part at least


New member
Originally Posted by Ada
Orange Tangent is pretty light-- I think Orange is more what you are looking for. I would probably go with Orange, Orange Tangent, and Carbon for the Halloween look.

I agree! THe great thing about Orange Tangent is it works great with many colors so you will get plenty of use out of it.


Well-known member
Another orange eye shadow you could look at is Rule (which incidentally is also quite good for colour correcting dark blue rings underneath the eyes)


Active member
Originally Posted by caffn8me
Another orange eye shadow you could look at is Rule (which incidentally is also quite good for colour correcting dark blue rings underneath the eyes)

Caffn8me, I am always searching for dark circle corrections - it's my biggest "flaw". Can you explain briefly your technique for this? Before/after/instead of concealer? Set w/powder?


Well-known member
The technique that was demonstrated on the M·A·C course I attended was to start by applying a thin layer of Rule over the dark circles after the skin had been primed either with Prep & Prime Skin or Strobe Cream. Then, the foundation (we were shown Full Coverage) or concealer was applied carefully over the top of the eyeshadow. It made a dramatic difference as the tutor used no colour correction on one side and the undertone of the dark rings still showed through on that side. If you use something like Full Coverage or Studio Finish SPF35 (which is almost identical to Full Coverage in composition) you'll need to set it with powder after you have applied it.

Please note that this works best with dark circles that have a blue undertone. If the undertone is more purple you should use a colour corrector which is more towards yellow than orange.

I hope this helps


Active member
Wow, that is a bit too advanced for me, but very interesting none the less.
*makes mental note to try color correcting after determining if circles are blue or purple*
Thanks so much.