Inane Question about Specktra Banners


Well-known member
OK, so this will seem like a silly question, but do you have one place on the site where you've put all the Specktra banners like a gallery - with the MAC postcard image in the background and the little cartoon version on the right? (ie. look up!)

I'm so completely in love with them, and would love a whole page with just them on it to stare at, and be transported into a crazy-happy-land


Well-known member
Adrienne (aka Leppy) is a very talented woman! She designed those banners for Specktra and did an amazing wonderful job on them.
I will forward this thread to her, maybe she might be able to make a wallpaper or similar for the people who really enjoy her work.


Well-known member
Hey thanks fizzy!! Its nice to know that people like them =) Wallpapers are a great idea Janice, I will put those out when I can!! I have lots more of those little avatars to do as there are new color stories since the last one I made, and the site could use a refreshing with some new ones. After I've fixed some of the forum issues, and put out some of the new features, that will be next on my to-do. Eep.. I better find some time pronto!


Well-known member
Wow, Leppy,
I really admire your work... they're truly gorgeous, and really original! I can't wait to see your new avatars... though I particularly love them superimposed onto the original pics (as in the banners) so it would be truly amazing if you found the time to make more! And wallpapers?!! Heck yeah
Let me know when you've made them... I'll be your no.1 fangirlie!