inspiration: peacock FOTD.


Well-known member
i went to see my friend's band play in LA on wednesday night, and this was the look for the night.

don't mind my growing-out brows, and my horribly dry winter skin.

bad hotel lighting.

i was aware of the mascara smudge. i was just letting it dry before i cleaned it off, and i SHOULD have waited to take the photos until afterwards as well, haha. i promise i fixed it. gah. and i'm too young for these wrinkles!

my best friend and i.

peacock earrings and tunic, oh yes. i'm cheesing it a little too much because i has just drank a washington apple, which had WAY too much crown royal in it. thanks mr. bartender.

and then here i am crying off all of my makeup, because this beautiful boy is leaving the band. and going to europe.


UD e/s in ransom, peace, and honey.
UD eyeliner in peacock
MAC pigment in teal and golders green
maybelline define-a-lash mascara.

mac stuido fix powder
mac blush in playful
mac beauty powder in belightful

l'oreal lipstick in moxie
mac lipglass in fashion pack

THANKS for looking. CC is welcomed!


Well-known member
You look fantastic
I love the colours. You don't have wrinkles! I'm a year younger than you though and I can see lines creeping onto my face. I didn't think it was meant to happen so soon!!!