Interview tomorrow! PICTURES PLEASE HELP!


Hi Ladies,

I've been reading posts for months now and they are so encouraging! This is my first post so please bare with me!

I have been working as a freelance MA for a while now and actually got hired where I used to live as a freelance Mac Artist but when I moved, I decided to try and get a job with mac as a full time employee if they let me.

The first time I interviewed with Mac I have to say I was a bit naive about the whole process. This time I plan on really doing things right and making a great impression (this is where you come into play). Tomorrow I have an interview with Nordy's and a meeting with a Mac store later on in the day. I am confident in my speaking skill and have a resume all ready for their pretty little hands. The only thing that I am a bit nervous about is my outfit!

Let me know what you think?!?!


Thanks Smitty! Are there any things you would change? Do I look silly with the skirt?

Does it look like I'm trying too hard or not enough? EEK I am a dork and a total wreck!


Well-known member
Love the look, but I wonder if it's a bit too much? Maybe something simpler would highlight your face so that the interviewers are more focused on your face? Maybe mimic what MAC MAs wear, flattering black pants and a stylish black blouse. I've never interviewed for a MAC position, so maybe they are looking for more originality, in which case I'm talking out of my rear


Well-known member
I would possibly wear that for the MAC store interview but to the Nordstrom interview wear something a bit more professional, like nice black pants and a black top or even a cute black suit. Nordstrom's dress code policy is a bit more strict than MAC's.

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
The outfit is super cute, minus the leggings, I think they're too much.

BUT I would say to dress more professionally for the interview. Maybe a nice top and some black slacks.

That's just my opinion and it's probably biased because of my own style, but do what you think makes the most sense.

Sass E

Well-known member
My suggestion would be to wear a nice pair of black slacks instead of the skirt/leggings. Good Luck!


Well-known member
My advice would be to wear something that you feel comfortable in and makes you look super hot and put together.

I think what you're wearing is ok, but it's got a lot going on. All of the MAC MAs that I've seen wear clothes that are very simple, but stylish. If you're going to wear that, I would say to take off the leggings. I agree with everyone who says that a nicely tailored pair of black pants and a black top would be better, but like I said, you should wear what makes you comfortable.

BTW, those shoes are really cute!

Hope that helps.


Hey Ladies! I just thought I would come on and tell ya'll thanks for your help..

I went to a mall that has a Nordstrom and a Mac store. I went to my Nordstrom interview and that was all fine and dandy. I wasn't nervous or scared at all. The funny thing is, when I was done there I told myself I was going to head down to the Mac store to just turn in an application.

Now just to give you a little insight into what I was thinking, I really was feeling insecure about going. I think because I love doing makeup and it is my absolute passion I feel vulnerable about it and kinda clam up and the Mac store seems more intimidating. Do you guys feel the same way???

Well on my way there I almost ran out to my car I was getting so nervous. I sat down for a minute and just took a breath and touched up my powder and my lips before getting there. (Probably trying to talk myself out of going really)

I walked into the store and just about 2 steps in, one of the girls said are you here to see Homa? Now, I have heard of Homa. I did my research and read as much as I could about this particular region and so I knew what was coming but felt like I really didn't prepare! EEK! Well I replied, No but I can be. I was just stopping in to drop off an application and would love to speak with her if she has a minute.

They said she was with someone else and that I should just take a seat. I got the chance to chat a little with the employees who were super sweet and to introduce myself with the Manage Jo. She was so nice and said I was pretty. (My own husband hasn't said that in a while so it was really nice to hear

I guess there was another girl who was also waiting to meet with Homa and I must admit. I did size her up. But I swear I didn't think any mean thoughts. She mentioned that her interview was scheduled for 1pm and she got lost (it was now 2:45). I would have died if that happened to me. I felt so bad for her.

A little while later, Homa came in and I introduced myself to her. She was very nice. To be honest with you I think she kinda gets a bad wrap on here. She had the most beautiful eyes and her lips were the perfect shade of pink but I didn't dare ask what lip stick she had on..

She asked me what my favorite Mac product was. I told her today (it is constantly changing) that my favorite product would have to be the 224 brush because it is so great with blending. I demonstrated the little circles you can make into your crease or use a winshield wiper motion to acheive your desired look. She stopped me and said, "Alright, you sold it to me."


We talked some more and she asked me a bunch of questions that all sounded similar to the other posts about questions from interviews.

Afterwards, she told me that she would like to have me back for a second interview and makeup demo! YAY! (And I am already nervous BUT EXCITED TOO).

THANK ALL OF YOU SO MUCH! You are WONDERFUL! All the knowledge and support you provide is so incredibly helpful! I can't even tell you how excited I am!



Oh I forgot to tell you!

I wore pants... I listened! IT PAID OFF THANKS!

I have to say that my makeup looked hot too.. woot woot


Hey everyone!

I had my demo yesterday. When i left I was really mixed up on how I felt about the overall view I gave them of me. My sit down interview went great I thought but the makeup demo could have gone better. I was thinking I blew it because of the makeup.

I got a call from Homa this morning!




Originally Posted by glamdoll
Congrats! Did you get hired for freelance/oncall or permanent??

It's permanent! Yay I was/am so excited and cant wait to start!