Is it hard to get a Perverted Pearl quad?


Well-known member
I've been wanting this bad, by the names of it, even though I know that Seedy Pearl is a perm color now. But that pre-made quad sounds so pretty.

Is it worth my time/effort to try to find it? And should I pay big $$ for it?


Well-known member
I've been trying to get my hands on it myself! I've seen it go on E-bay for about $45 and I'm willing to pay that much I just keep missing the end of the auctions haha.


Well-known member
Just a preventative note in case someone has a PP quad that they are willing to sell/swap: all information about swaps and sales need to into the Clearance Bin subforum only. There's more information about this here.

As for the PP quad, it sells for above retail, but not by a huge amount. It's usually within the same price bracket as the Diana quads, if that helps you to work out a market price.


Well-known member
Is this quad very coveted?

Arse! I had it on my watch list a few days ago and i deleted it with just a few hours to go with no bids and the starting price was pretty cheap. I'm pretty sure it ended with no bids.

You should search for it, chances are you may find one nobody is bidding on.


Well-known member
eh its ok nothing truly amazing imo..if ur a collector of quads then yes its a must have but for everyday wear its eh..wanna talk about a quad that has HUGE dips.?? my inventive eyes quad lol