is it just me, or does studiotech seep into pores?


Well-known member
i've got drty skin, bt large pores.

loved studiotech when the ma put it on me, but when i do it. it seeps into my pores! wtf.


Well-known member
If Studio Tech is too light or the wrong colour, it is reallllly apparent in the pores. Try a new shade match.


Well-known member
Do you use a primer before you apply? Ive heard wonderful things about Smashbox's primers (there is at least 3 - sensitive, normal, and another...) Primers help the foundation glide over the pores, rather than sinking into them. There are products you can get to reduce your large pores, but not eliminate them completely (large pores are apparently genetic) - though apparently Clinique (if i remember correctly?) has one that works wonders.

Personally when the skin on either side of my nose gets dry the pores there look bigger, so maybe a good - but not thick, greasy or heavy - moisturiser could help (ones for anti-shine tend to be light, and thus wont clog pores i.e. Biore Shine Control Moisturiser - very light, plus smells yummy and fresh!) Also to help your skin regain moisture, leaving a bowl/cup of water in your bedroom may benefit you as it could be a lack of humidity issue (the air in your room may be too dry).

Love Always Ivy

Well-known member
i found that studio tech clogged my pores and made me break out like crazy painful cystic acne and when i would use it, it would make my skin look not cute, like all the pores were little bumps.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by wolfsong
There are products you can get to reduce your large pores, but not eliminate them completely (large pores are apparently genetic).

sorry to say, you can't change the size of your pores. you can make them less noticable, but you can't shrink them.